Vitamin D Deficiency: 'Vitamin D' deficiency in children is very dangerous – it is safe to do this!

Vitamin D Deficiency: 'Vitamin D' deficiency in children is very dangerous – it is safe to do this!

Vitamin D Deficiency in Children : Vitamin-D deficiency seriously affects mental and physical health. This vitamin is obtained from sunlight, eggs, plants, fish, meat etc. However, due to various reasons, the cases of vitamin-D deficiency are increasing in recent times. Due to insufficient amount of vitamin-D in the body, symptoms like fatigue, back pain, non-healing of wounds and hair loss are seen. Sitting at home and applying too much sun screen are also possible causes of vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin-D is needed by the body to perform many functions, including making calcium, which directly affects bone health. Vitamin-D levels should be tested if you suffer from frequent fatigue and health problems. 

Vitamin-D offers many health benefits. Vitamin D is produced in the body after exposure to UV-B from sunlight. Vitamin-D serves as a steroid hormone in the process of bone growth and metabolism. It is very active for organs, kidneys and liver. Experts say that it is a fat-soluble vitamin. But recently vitamin-D deficiency is also seen more in children. Experts say that lack of outdoor play, indoor games, being glued to mobile phones and sitting on computers for hours are causing this deficiency in children. Children under the age of 15 are at risk of vitamin-D deficiency. Elderly, pregnant and lactating mothers are also at risk. People with liver disease, kidney disease, and genetic problems are also prone to vitamin-D deficiency. 

Tips to reduce the risk of vitamin-D deficiency in children:

☀ Vitamin-D deficiency medical , doctors say it can be detected through biochemical tests including serum calcium, serum phosphate, alkaline phosphatase, serum vitamin-D levels, radiological. Here are some simple tips to prevent this nutrient deficiency. 

☀ Vitamin-D deficiency can be prevented through pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods. 

☀ Non-pharmacological methods include exposure to sunlight, taking children outdoors , it is very important to give fish, eggs, milk, mushrooms, juices that are high in vitamin D. 

☀ It is very good to be in the morning sun to get a good dose of vitamin-D. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and infants may not be allowed to go in the sun. So they have supplements. The body produces vitamin-D due to exposure to sunlight. Vitamins are available in a variety of foods and supplements.

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Note: The information collected from many studies, researches and health journals has been provided here as usual for your understanding. This information is not a substitute for medical care or treatment. If you have any doubts regarding health, you should definitely consult a doctor. For the items mentioned in this article, “ABP Country'', ‘ABP Network’ Note that no liability is assumed.

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