Viagra: Breastfeeding Boon Viagra – Unbelievable? This is what you need to know!

Viagra: Breastfeeding Boon Viagra – Unbelievable?  This is what you need to know!

Viagra: Medical research has provided us with many wonderful treatments and medicines. From the flu, TB and smallpox that came a few years ago to the Covid yesterday, we are seeing cases where many deadly diseases have been solved and lives have been saved. These investigations are ongoing. Sometimes many strange drugs also come out in such researches. If they are used properly.. they will be very good for mankind. Recently, a new study has revealed that children can suffocate with Viagra, which men use to get together with their partners. It is thought that it is a medicine used for Many people don't even want to say this name. Can you believe that breast feeding of newborn babies is now a lifesaver? It has to be believed. Because some researches reveal the same thing. Scientists claim that Viagra is a possible solution to help babies who suffer from chronic problems of lack of oxygen during pregnancy.

Researchers are looking for a solution to the problem of neonatal encephalopathy in newborns. A recent phase one clinical study at Montreal Children's Hospital suggests a solution. This surprised even the doctors. This matter was recently published in The Journal of Pediatrics. Using Viagra can help correct signs of brain damage caused by neonatal encephalopathy. This wonderful result has a chance to become a blessing to many children. Research shows that it is especially useful for newborns who are struggling with lack of oxygen. 

Viagra is traditionally used by men during sex to treat erectile dysfunction. It works by dilating blood vessels to improve blood flow to the penis and brain. Previous studies have linked its use to an 18 percent lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Doctors say it also reduces the risk of heart disease, especially hypertension. It is said that it can also prevent heart attack in men. Positive in men taking medication for erectile dysfunction‌ The results were found to be high. About 13 percent showed lower rates of a major adverse cardiovascular event, such as heart attack, stroke or heart failure. 39 percent showed a lower mortality rate due to heart-related diseases. Researchers found that 25 percent had a generally lower mortality rate. 

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Note: The information collected from various studies, researches and health journals is provided here as usual for your understanding. This information is not a substitute for medical care or treatment. If you have any doubts regarding health, you should definitely consult a doctor. For the items mentioned in this article, “ABP Country'', ‘ABP Network’ Note that no liability is assumed.

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