vaccine for Alzheimers: The vaccine is coming to prevent Alzheimer’s disease …

This is heartbreaking news for many people suffering from Alzheimer’s. So far no one was able to send in the perfect solution, which is not strange. Most people do not take the disease so seriously. But & nbsp; Alzheimer’s is attacking many people in modern times. As a result, they are moving away from normal life, burdening them at home, and laughing at the four of them … There are millions of people living all over the world. Scientists have discovered a vaccine that can cure all of them. The vaccine was jointly developed by British and German scientists. Also a new drug was invented. Researchers say that this vaccine may take some time to reach the market, but that it certainly has an effect on Alzheimer’s disease.

How does it work?
Forgetfulness is caused by shrinkage and the death of some brain cells. A protein called amyloid must be produced in the body to stop this process. As such it is a problem even if it is over-produced. Researchers have determined that amyloid beta can be given in the form of a vaccine to treat Alzheimer’s. It helps in the production of TAP01_04 type antibodies in the body. These antibodies not only protect brain cells from dying, but also repair them. Also reduce the formation of amyloid beta plaques in the brain. & nbsp; It lowers Alzheimer’s. People without the disease can take it in the form of a vaccine. There are still some trials to be done. After that, both the vaccine and the drug will enter the market if approved by the government. You should consult a doctor or dietitian if you have any doubts. You will notice that this article is just for your understanding.

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