Henna Hair Pack: Want black hair? It is possible with henna hair pack

Henna is very good for hair. It has been used for centuries as a natural hair dye. Helps to turn white hair black. Gives a reddish tone. Works as a good conditioner for hair. Henna is available in colors like black, brown and copper. Wearing these makes the hair look attractive. Hair nourishing henna can be easily prepared at home.

Ingredients required

100 gm henna powder

Lemon juice – one tablespoon


Coffee powder – one tablespoon

A little water


Henna powder, coffee powder in a bowl Add and mix well. Add enough water to make a thick paste. Add lemon juice to the mixture and mix well. Cover the bowl with a lid and let the mixture soak for a few hours. This helps release the color from the henna powder. Then you can apply soft henna like a hair pack. Hair should be clean before applying henna. If henna is applied on the oiled head, it will not affect the hair. Then cover the hair with a shower cap to prevent it from drying out. Keep the henna hair pack for 2-3 hours. The longer you keep it, the darker it looks. Then wash it off with water. Do not use shampoo for 24 hours. Then condition your hair as usual with shampoo.

Henna Benefits

⦿ Henna is made from gourd. It is rich in anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. This will get rid of dandruff on the head. Applying henna regularly can get rid of dandruff problem. Hair also becomes soft and silky.

⦿ Provides strong nourishment to hair. Helps to grow taller. Prevents hair fall.

⦿ Provides natural color. Hair is also shiny to look at. Oiling the hair a day after applying henna will make the color last longer. You can change the color of henna to your liking by using natural ingredients like pomegranate peels and beet root.

⦿ Balances the pH levels of the scalp. Keeps the scalp greasy. Multani soil can be mixed with henna. Applying henna controls the oiliness of the hair. So it is better to wear hand gloves. It is important to wear the henna pack in a well-ventilated area. It is better to do a patch test before applying henna to the hair. Henna should be avoided if allergic. Otherwise it will lead to other problems.  

Note: Information collected from various studies, researches and health journals is provided here as usual for your understanding. This information is not a substitute for medical care or treatment. If you have any doubts regarding health, you should definitely consult a doctor. For the items mentioned in this article, “ABP Country”, ‘ABP Network’ Note that no liability is assumed. 

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