Tirupati Vada : Make Tirupati Vada at home like this.. The recipe is very easy

Tirupati Vada : Make Tirupati Vada at home like this.. The recipe is very easy

Tirupati Prasadam : Devotees go to Tirupati at least once in their life for darshan of Venkanna Swamy. After having a good darshan, they queue up for laddoos and vadalu, which are prasads of Swami. If you are a fan of laddoos as well as fritters then here is the recipe waiting for you. You can do this as an offering. Or you can prepare a special meal at home. So how to make tirupati vada? Now let's find out what are the ingredients required for them. 


Minerals – one and a half cup (unshelled)

Cumin seeds – one and a half teaspoon

Black pepper – one and half teaspoon

Salt – enough to taste

Water – enough 

For deep fry – Ghee

Preparation Method

First rinse the dal with water sometimes.. Keep the water until the dal is submerged in it and soak for 5 hours. After that, wash them without peeling them and keep them aside. Now take a mixie and add cumin, pepper and salt to it and grind it. Add shelled chickpeas to it and mix without water. At the end sprinkle two or three tablespoons of water and mix it into a coarse paste. Then the batter will become a bit sticky. 

To prepare vada first light the stove and place a kadai on it. Add ghee to it.. while it is heating take a banana leaf or a plate with oil. Take some mixture from the flour and press it in the form of Vada. It is better to wash your hands with some water at this time. Otherwise, the batter will stick to your hands and the vada will not come out properly. If the hands are wet, the vada is easily left. Make sure the vada is very thin. Otherwise they will not cook well. 

Add these fritters to the hot ghee and fry them. After frying one side, fry the other side. Fry on medium flame until golden on both sides. If the fritter swells, press it with a spatula. After they are cooked take them in a plate. Tirupati vada is ready. You can give these not only as prasad but also as nutrition to children. Because it contains the most protein. These are much healthier than fried foods as they are deep fried in ghee. You can eat these directly. Or you can eat it with palli chutney or your favorite chutney. And why not during festivals.. you can make these whenever you want to eat tasty and healthy food. 

Also Read : Sweet snacks that children like to eat.. Make it healthy with banana

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