Samantha Diet: Autoimmune Diet – This is Samantha’s diet, so what?

As much as it is important to use medicines when affected by health problems, it is equally important to adopt healthy eating habits according to the disease.  Samantha is also suffering from myositis while undergoing treatment for the disease and following a strict diet. It does necessary exercises to overcome the disease. She said on her Instagram account that she is following an autoimmune diet to fight this disease. Since then, many people have started looking for  autoimmune diet. 

Samantha said through social media that she was suffering from myositis, an autoimmune disease last year. Since then she has been involved in the treatment. Visibility has been reduced to a large extent. Tollywood talk is that he went to America for a few months to get treatment for that disease. Samantha said in her recent Instagram post that she will not rest until she gets rid of the myositis problem, how important it is to control our desires in terms of food.

The Autoimmune Protocol Diet… is a diet that people with autoimmune diseases must follow. By following this diet, there is no inflammation, pain, lethargy and fatigue in the body. As part of this diet, certain types of food items should be kept aside. They are eggs, dairy products, coffee, sugar and pulses. If you completely stop eating all of these for three months, the symptoms of the disease will decrease to some extent and the health will appear to improve. After that they can be added to food in small doses. But after adding them… health should be taken care of. 

What should be eaten in this diet?
As part of this diet there are certain things that should not be eaten, there are also certain things that should be eaten. These are fresh fruits, curries cooked with fresh vegetables, fermented foods, unprocessed fresh meat,  cooking with avocado, olive, coconut oils, honey and vinegar.  Also green tea, black tea, mutton pie should also be included in the diet. All these also help in proper digestion. Improves digestive health. Helps in reducing autoimmune diseases. But those suffering from these autoimmune diseases should eat any food in moderation. They are likely to show negative results if consumed in excess. So this disease can be controlled by eating according to nutritionists. 

Also read: It’s not the love hormone, we can still love without it – shocking new study reveals

Note: Information collected from various studies, researches and health journals is provided here as usual for your understanding. This information is not a substitute for medical care or treatment. If you have any doubts regarding health, you should definitely consult a doctor. For the items mentioned in this article, “ABP Country”, ‘ABP Network’ Note that no liability is assumed.

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