Masala Dosa : Tasty and Crispy Masala Dosa Recipe.. Make Red Chutney this Simple

Masala Dosa : Tasty and Crispy Masala Dosa Recipe.. Make Red Chutney this Simple

South Indian Masala Dosa Recipe : Do you love masala dosa? But there is no need to go anywhere for this. With a little patience.. a little love.. with a little care, you can prepare tasty and crispy masala dosha at home. Oh we don't get masala.. Do you think this dosha doesn't get red chutney to enhance its taste? Don't bother at all. You have to read this recipe to know how to prepare tasty spices. So how to make this tasty masala dosa? Now let's know what are the required ingredients. 

Ingredients required

Rice – 2 cups

Green gram dal – 1 cup

Minapappu – quarter cup

fennel seeds – 1 tsp

Salt – enough

For masala dosha..

Bengal Beets – 5

Mustard – 1 Tablespoon

Green Lentils – 1 Tablespoon

Curry – 1 Rebba

< p>Garlic – 5 cloves

Onion – 2

Green chilli – 2

Yellow – 1 tsp

Salt – enough 

Coriander – quarter cup

For red chutney

Ghee – 2 tbsp

Chilli – 2 tbsp

Method of preparation

First mix gram dal, green gram dal and rice and soak it in a bowl. Add fenugreek to it and let it soak for four to five hours. After they are completely soaked, wash them well and mix them into a soft dough. The dough made like this should be fermented for another 6 hours. Or prepare the batter at night for breakfast in the morning.. keep the batter outside. It is easy to use in the morning. 

For spices..

First light the stove and put a pan and pour water in it. Add potatoes to it and let it cook well. After they are cooked, turn off the stove and peel the beetroots and take them into a mixing bowl. Now light the stove and place the pan on it. Add oil or ghee to it and fry green gram dal, gram dal, mustard greens and curry leaves. After they are fried, sprinkle garlic cloves in it. Cut onions and green chillies and add them to it and let it simmer.

After the onions are cooked, add turmeric to it. Mix it well and add boiled potatoes to it. Smash them and mix well. Add salt to it and mix well. After they are cooked add coriander and mix it well and stop the stove. Now for red chutney add ghee in a bowl and add chillies to it and mix well. Mix it well and keep it aside.

Light the stove and place the dosa pan on it. Put dosa on it.. Ghee should be added to roast it. Spread red chutney on it. Add the previously prepared potato mixture on it.. Let the dosa melt. After the dosa is roasted in golden color, fold the dosa and keep it aside. That's it, hot tasty masala dosha is ready. It can be enjoyed with your favorite chutney. 

Also Read : Batter is the same two recipes.. make instant idlis and doshas like this

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