It’s not the love hormone, we can still love without it – shocking new study finds

Oxytocin … scientists call it the love hormone. For the past 30 years, scientists have been believing that this hormone is the reason why we are able to fall in love with someone, have loving relationships, raise children with love, and this is also the reason for the production of milk in the mother after childbirth. They told us the same thing. But a new study shows that it is all a lie. Scientists have been doing this new study for almost 15 years. It has been found that oxytocin is only a hormone necessary for our metabolism, it is not a love hormone.

Scientists of Indian origin at the University of California in America have been researching this love hormone for the past 15 years. Is it true that this hormone causes feelings of love in man? isn’t it Their research purpose is to conclude that. But the results so far show that we still have the same feelings of love even without oxytocin.  For this they conducted research on prairie owls. They are also mammals like humans, meaning they give birth and nurse their young. These also contain oxytocin. As part of research, the love hormone has been removed from some mice. How do mice with oxytocin behave? They began to observe how oxytocin-deprived mice behaved. He has been in the same job for almost 15 years. However, mice that cannot produce the oxytocin hormone have also been observed to have relationships and romantic feelings. They fell in love with another mushika, gave birth to children, nursed them and raised them. Based on this, researchers concluded that oxytocin is not a love hormone. It seems that it is just a lie that we have believed for years. It is said that there is no relationship between social bonds and oxytocin hormones.  This study shows that it is just a myth that we love someone else because of the release of oxytocin in the brain.  But this is part of the happy hormones. But this research does not agree that love arises and sexual life goes on because of this. 

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