Hair Regrowth Tips: Simple tips to control hair fall and promote hair growth

Hair Regrowth Tips: Simple tips to control hair fall and promote hair growth

Simple Tips For Healthy Hair : Hair loss happens to many people. In others it may be a problem. Hairfall is more common due to various reasons. Due to this there is a risk of hair loss and baldness. But following some tips will not only control the problem of hair loss but also help in regrowth. Moreover, these natural methods are also very easy to follow. Now let's learn about the tips that will help you grow your hair naturally. 


Did you know that stress causes hair loss? But you should definitely give your scalp a good massage. It not only reduces stress but also controls hair loss and promotes growth. You can see the results if you apply oil to the hair and massage it gently with your fingers instead of your nails in small circles. A study has concluded that massaging increases blood circulation in the scalp and improves hair health. 

Coconut oil

Another home tip that goes beyond this in hair nutrition. There won't be. Coconut oil contains fatty acids called lauric acid. They penetrate into the scalp and provide protection to the hair from the inside. So apply coconut oil before your shower and give it a good massage. 

Onion juice

If you can bear the smell of onion juice.. your hair will get many benefits. A study claims that onion juice promotes hair growth. It improves blood circulation in the scalp and plays an important role in hair follicle development. Aloe vera has been used in hair care for many years in various ways . It provides good nourishment to the scalp and conditions the hair. Controls dandruff and makes hair follicles healthy. So you can get good results if you include pure aloe vera pulp in your hair care routine. sounds Many experts say that it promotes new hair growth and prevents hair loss. Rosemary oil or water both play a vital role in hair care. But rosemary oil should be mixed with argan oil or jojoba oil and applied to the scalp. This oil can also be mixed and used in shampoo or conditioner. 

Fish oil 

Sometimes treatment should be given from inside for hair care. Some supplements promote hair growth. As part of that you can take fish oil supplements. It contains nutrients like proteins and omega fatty acids. They increase hair density and control hair fall. But before taking these, you should definitely take the doctor's advice. 

After showering..

After shampooing, definitely apply conditioner to provide moisturizing to the hair. It helps prevent split ends. Cover hair with a microfiber towel when wet. Do not comb wet hair. A serum or detangler can be used to loosen tangles. Heating products should be avoided as much as possible. 

In the case of food 

No matter how many precautions are taken from outside, the problem will be under control only if nutrition is provided from inside. So take nutritious food like iron and protein. Low calorie intake can also control hair fall. Be sure to consult a doctor before taking certain vitamins and supplements. 

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