Chicken Pickle: Keep pickled chicken with this simple recipe.. The recipe is very easy

Chicken Pickle: Keep pickled chicken with this simple recipe.. The recipe is very easy

Chicken Pickle Recipe : Let's just say that nobody likes stored pickles. That's why non-veg lovers like chicken pachadi. But bachelors eat it with gusto. You might think it is difficult to cook such a stock, but it doesn't take as much time as curry to make. You can make this tasty pachadi within an hour. Even bachelors can make this recipe very simply. It does not require much ingredients to make it. It can be made with few ingredients available at home. And how to prepare this preserved chicken greens? Now let's know what are the required ingredients.

Ingredients required 

Chicken – 1 kg (boneless)

Chicken – 3 table spoons

Oil – 500 ml

Salt – enough 

Yelko – teaspoon

Curry – 2 cloves

Garam masala – 2 tsp

Coriander powder – 2 tsp

Cloves – 2

Cardamom – 2

Cinnamon – 1 inch

Star flower – 1

Cumin – 1 tsp 

Ginger – 100 grams

Garlic – 2

Lemon – 1

Preparation Method

First cut the chicken into the size you like. Wash it well and drain it without water. Now take the chicken in a bowl and add turmeric and salt to it and mix well. Cover it and marinate it for an hour. Clean the ginger and garlic.. cut into pieces and add to the mixer. Make a smooth paste and keep aside. Now light the stove and put a pan. Add all the spices and dry roast it. Add these to a mixer and grind to a fine powder. Keep the juice without lemon seeds aside.

Light the stove and place a kadai on it. Add chicken to it.. cook until the water in them is gone. By doing this half the chicken will be cooked. Now add enough oil to deep fry it. Add chicken pieces and fry well. Fry the chicken until golden brown. After that remove them from the oil. Add ginger garlic paste in the same oil. Fry it until the green smell goes away.. Add the previously fried chicken pieces and mix well. After both of these are cooked well, add chilli and pre-prepared masala powder and mix well. Finally add curry leaves and mix again. Now stop the stove. After the mixture cools down a bit, add lemon juice and mix well. That's all the stored chicken green is ready. You can enjoy it by dipping it in hot rice. 

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