Chegodi Recipe : How to make crispy Chegodi in a simple way.. with this recipe it will be tasty

Chegodi Recipe : How to make crispy Chegodi in a simple way.. with this recipe it will be tasty

Crispy and Tasty Snacks for Kids : Summer vacations are approaching. Half day schools have also started. Children stay at home during this time. If you want to give them a snack in the evening, you can make some recipes at home instead of outside food. Chakodis is also one of them. These crunchy recipes are enjoyed by children and adults alike. Children as well as adults enjoy these very much. If you take these with chai as an evening snack, the experience will be different. Now let's know how to make chegodis..what are the ingredients required for them.

Ingredients required 

Flour – 250 grams 

Water – 250 ml

Ghee or Dalda – 1 tbsp

Vammu – 1 tsp

Ghee – 1 tsp

Yelko – Half teaspoon

Salt – as per taste


Light the stove and place a bowl on it. Add water to it. When they are hot.. put ghee or dalda in it. Due to this, the chegodies will come out as oysters. Add vammu, sesame seeds, turmeric and salt to it and mix well. Let the water boil completely. Add maida flour to it while it is cooking well. A quarter kg of flour is enough for a quarter liter of water. Chagodis will taste better if they are made with maida flour instead of rice flour. 

As soon as the maida flour is added to the water, stop the stove and add it immediately. Mix it while it is still hot, before it dries. At that time you can mix the flour using a wet cotton cloth. If you add the dough after it cools down, the chegodies will break. So add the flour while still hot. After kneading the flour, make it into big balls. Now in the pretzel maker you have to put a large hole in the jali. If you apply ghee in it, the dough will come out well.

Take the dough in a long way.. and make them round  like chegodies. If you don't have a pretzel maker, you can make them thin by hand and roll them into chegodies. Keeping them outside for half an hour and then putting them in oil will break the chagodis. Light the stove.. put a kadai on it. Add enough oil to deep fry and add a pinch of salt. Applying this way does not absorb more oil. Wear chagodis. But there is a work to be done here. First put jali in hot oil.. put chagodis in it. After they are cooked a bit, remove them from the pan. Then chagodis will not stick to the bottom. 

Now heat the stove slightly and fry for 3 minutes. After flipping them, fry them for another three minutes on medium flame. Fry the chagodis till golden color. When they are completely cooked.. take them out and keep them aside. That's it, the crispy and tasty chagodis are ready. You can eat them directly. Or can be taken with hot chai. And why delay, you should also make these crispy chagodis.

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