Iran following in Taliban’s footsteps; Girl students not wearing hijab will be suspended from universities

Iran is also seen following in the footsteps of Afghanistan. Iran has prepared to expel all the girl students from the university who do not wear hijab. The Ministry of Science, Research and Technology here has issued an order in this regard. It said that girl students coming without hijab will be expelled from all higher education institutions under the ministry. Along with this, it has also been said to implement strict dress code for these girl students.

Ministry issued statement

The ministry has issued a statement in this regard. It has been said in this statement that all the universities and higher education institutions coming under the ministry will not give admission to those girl students who do not follow the rules and regulations here. At the same time, the Ministry of Health of Iran has also issued a similar order. The order also states that girl students coming without hijab will be denied education and welfare services. Explain that after the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, there have been fierce demonstrations against the hijab in Iran.

Violation of the Iranian constitution

However, this order of the Iranian Ministry is a violation of the constitution there. A lawyer named Hasan Kiya has given information about this to Khabar Online. According to this, the Iranian constitution gives the right to education to all people and prevents the government from making any law of its own in this regard. Kia said it was unclear who and how is deciding whether the hijab is breaking university rules. He said that due to this there will be more protest. On the other hand, the MP named Moinuddin Saidi says that I think we are distancing ourselves from the correct teachings of Islam. The authorities are showing more sensitivity to girls’ hair than to the bribery, embezzlement, garbage hauling, injustice and usury that dominate our banks.

issued guidelines

The Ministry of Education has also published some guidelines. In this, educational institutions have been asked to pay special attention to hijab and purity. Teachers have been asked to inform the students about this. Along with this, Iranian women have also been asked to be aware of wearing hijab. Celebrities and Olympians have also been asked to promote the hijab and Islamic culture. Let us tell you that in the past, a person had put curd on the heads of two women standing in the shop. It is said that the hair of both the women was open and the man was very angry about this.

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