Bihar Board Exam: Every student will have a unique ID, if there is any discrepancy in the admit card, the identity card will have to be carried.

Bihar Board Exam: Every student will have a unique ID, if there is any discrepancy in the admit card, the identity card will have to be carried.

Bihar Board Inter examination is going to start from tomorrow. Candidates whose admit card is lost or left at home will be given provisional permission to appear in the examination after identifying it from the scanned photo in the attendance sheet and verifying it from the roll sheet. Those whose admit cards have photo errors have been allowed to appear in the examination. Students whose admit card photo has a discrepancy or someone else's photo is printed, will have to reach the examination center with their identity card. Students should come to the examination center with Aadhar Card, PAN Card, Voter ID, Passport, Driving License or Bank Passbook with photo. The photocopy of the identity card will have to be verified by a gazetted officer and submitted to the examination centre. He said that the center superintendent will allow the person to appear in the examination after matching the face.

Every student will have a unique ID

Candidates will have a unique ID in the inter examination. The faces of the candidates will be matched with the photographs of the admit card and the attendance sheet sent to the centre. Preparations are in the final stage in the district for the Inter examination starting from February 1. The board has directed that candidates found guilty of misconduct will not be able to appear in the examination further. In case the details related to gender are wrongly mentioned in the admit card of the candidate, the center superintendents have been instructed that in the light of the enlistment and examination application form filled online, the committee should give several opportunities to correct the errors and by issuing dummy admit card, it should be filled in. Despite being given the opportunity to correct the error, if any gender error is found in the admit card of any candidate as per the examination application form and due to this, his/her examination center is not as per his/her gender but is shifted to the examination center of other gender. In such a situation, they have to appear in the examination only at the examination center mentioned in the admit card. For this, separate seating arrangements will be made and they will be included in the examination.

Question papers will not be withdrawn before the scheduled time

Instructions have also been given to the center superintendents regarding the withdrawal of question papers from the gymnasium located in the district school. After assessing the distance and time of the examination center in the presence of the superintendent and center superintendent, arrangements for distributing question paper packets from 8 am to 8:45 am and for the second shift examination from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, Senior Treasury Officials will do it. Question papers will not be cleared before 8 am for the first shift and before 11:30 am for the second shift.

Control room will start working from today

A control room has been established for the successful conduct of Inter Annual Examination 2024. The control room will function from 6 am on January 31 to 6 pm on February 12. In case of any problem in the conduct of examination, you can get its solution by informing the committee's control room on 0612-2232257 or 0612-2232227.

Question paper packet will be opened only after admission of the student

Candidates will enter the examination center 30 minutes before the scheduled time i.e. by 9 am in the first shift and by 1:30 pm in the second shift. After that admission will not be given under any circumstances. Only after the entry of the candidates, the big packet of question paper will be opened in the center superintendent's room between 9 to 9:10 am. The presence of the Center Superintendent, Static Magistrate and two assistant teachers will be mandatory and videography of the entire process will definitely be done. A small packet of question paper will be opened in the examination hall. The remaining question paper will be sealed in a plastic bag and returned to the center superintendent.

The DEO has instructed the center superintendents that each invigilator will examine 25 students of his class and give a certificate. Will ensure the presence of the videographer on time. Only the Center Superintendent will be allowed to keep his mobile inside the examination centre. If the examination hall is not surrounded by a boundary wall, then we will definitely surround it with bamboo bats at a distance of four feet from the wall. Instructions have been given to keep a special eye on washrooms and frisking.

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