Weight loss superfoods: Best breakfast combinations to boost your weight loss plan and for a healthier bmi

Breakfast is also called the most important meal of our day. Because it is eaten after most intervals. We do not eat anything until 8 or 10 hours before breakfast. In such a situation, both the heavy and healthy of breakfast is most important. Whenever it comes to healthy food, the amount of protein in it is often mentioned. Studies also show that a protein-rich meal in breakfast not only helps you lose weight. There are many such things in our plate that work to increase protein, such as cheese, egg, curd, beans or fish etc.

Rather it is also beneficial for diabetic patients. Apart from this, the amount of calories and carbs is also low in high protein diet. But it is not the case that only the amount of protein should be taken care of in a healthy diet. Rather, it is necessary to include many other nutrients as well. By doing this, the body mass index will also be balanced. Let us know about some such food items which by eating breakfast will reduce your weight and you will also have many other benefits.

besan chilla

Cheela made from gram flour or gram flour is more beneficial than it is tasty. Let us tell you that 20 grams of protein is found in just 100 grams of gram flour. Apart from this, fiber, calcium, iron, and magnesium are also present in it. To make this, first prepare a batter by adding some water to the flour, it becomes like a thin pancake-like dish, then add salt, chili, celery, turmeric etc. to it according to taste. Now bake it and consume it. Many renowned nutritionists gram flour for weight loss recommend eating.

Instead of wheat, eat rotis made from these 5 types of flour and reduce your extra weight quickly

Toasted and Salted Avocado

Everyone likes to eat toast inside breakfast. But when you use butter in toast, it becomes unhealthy. On the contrary, you can consume whole grain bread in toast and consume avocado instead of chicken or processed food.

Avocado is not only a good source of good fat. Rather, fiber is also present in it, which keeps your stomach full for a long time. By which you can avoid eating unnecessary snacks. Due to this your weight also starts decreasing.

Eggs and Beans

Eggs have always been seen as a healthy diet. Eggs are consumed around the world in many ways such as sandwiches, vegetables, rolls, boiled and omelets etc. Omelette is the most consumed of these, whether it is a cheese omelet or prepared with lots of vegetables. so if you weight loss plan So you’re done with boiled beans eating eggs can do. You can also include rajma in this.

Egg should be eaten within so many hours of boiling, know after how long it gets spoiled

Oats and Greek Yogurt

oats weight loss They are famous in the market by the name of food stuffs. On the other hand, Greek yogurt is considered a good source of protein. Apart from this, complex carbs, beta-glucan fiber are found inside oats. Also, it does not contain added sugar. In such a situation, when you mix Greek yogurt and oats, then it becomes a weight loss and low-calorie food.

This 70 kg girl once wanted to be Miss India, people made fun of her and got a toned figure like this from a strict diet

Paneer Bhurji

You must have consumed Paneer Bhurji. Be aware that calcium, protein, and healthy fat are present inside paneer. Apart from this, when paneer is made by mixing it with many other vegetables, it is not only helps you lose weight, Rather, many other benefits of it also start appearing on health. You can consume it with or without roti. If you do not like paneer, then you can also eat it by making egg pudding.

Yogurt and Berries

If you want to lose weight and do not like to consume oats, then you can consume berries and yogurt together. But keep in mind that you should consume only sugar free yogurt. Let us tell you that inside yogurt, you get nutrients like vitamin C, antioxidants and proteins, which work to benefit your health.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always contact your doctor for more details.


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