Garlic Health Benefits: Eat plenty of garlic in winter, it is a panacea for heart and asthma patients.

Garlic For Heart: Eating garlic in winter is very beneficial. Although people eat garlic throughout the season, but in winter you can increase its quantity. Garlic helps to protect your body from many types of infections. In winter, eating ginger juice mixed with garlic and honey strengthens immunity. And cold and cough also stays away. Garlic contains medicinal elements with anti-oxidant, anti-fungal, anti-viral. Eating garlic strengthens immunity and prevents many types of infections. Know which diseases garlic protects from. 

Garlic is beneficial in these diseases

1- Heart disease- Eating garlic on an empty stomach in the morning reduces cholesterol and keeps the heart healthy. 

2- Benefit in diabetes- Garlic increases the amount of insulin by controlling the level of sugar in the body. Diabetic patients should eat garlic in their daily diet. 

3- Stomach diseases- If you have any kind of stomach problem then you can eat garlic, rock salt, desi ghee, roasted asafoetida and ginger juice. This is very beneficial.

4- Acidity and Gas- If you have problems with gas and acidity, then eat 1-2 garlic cloves, black pepper and rock salt in some ghee before eating. 

5- Respiratory disease- The patient of respiratory disease should eat one clove of garlic warmed daily with salt. Eating three buds cooked in milk is enough.

6- Dental disease- If there is a complaint of pain in the tooth, grind garlic and apply it. The pain will get some relief. 

7- Blood sugar- By eating garlic daily, the diseases caused by diabetes are also removed and blood pressure remains fine. 

8- Allergy Relief- Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties, which removes allergies. Allergy marks and rashes are removed by eating garlic daily.

Disclaimer: The method, methods and claims mentioned in this article are not confirmed by ABP News. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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