Foods Control Hypertension: If these are taken daily on an empty stomach.. Hypertension will be under control..!

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Foods Control Hypertension: Hypertension is the root cause of many ailments. Studies show that high BP is the leading cause of death worldwide. Hypertension, overweight, lack of sleep, excessive salt intake, lack of exercise, stress, excessive use of birth control pills, pain killers, etc. can be said to be the main causes. Due to high blood pressure, there is a risk of complications like heart attack, kidney problems and brain stroke. Many people think that BP will be under control if only medicines are used. If you have this feeling.. then you are wrong. If you don’t follow good exercise and diet rules, high BP can become a danger to your life. Famous Ayurvedic doctor Deeksha Bhavsar has shared about the foods that control hypertension.. on his Instagram page. To know that.. read this story.



Dr. Deeksha Bhavsar said that pepper has many medicinal properties. Peppers are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, flavonoid elements, calcium, iron and other antioxidant elements. Experts say that adding half a teaspoon of pepper powder to one of our daily diet is good. If there is a sudden rise in BP, take half a glass of warm water with one teaspoon of pepper powder and it will keep hypertension under control.



Although amla is a bit nutty to eat, it is very good for health. It is rich in vitamin C. Apart from increasing the digestive power in the body, it keeps diabetes and hypertension under control. Amla is especially rich in amino acids and antioxidant elements. These keep hypertension under control. If you are suffering from hypertension..take two amla seeds in empty stomach in the morning otherwise drink their juice.



It contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, folate, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and zinc. Eating garlic daily improves blood circulation to the heart. Prevents blood from clotting inside the body. Experts say that eating raw garlic and drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning can reduce the symptoms of hypertension. The level of nitric oxide in the body increases, thereby relaxing the blood vessels. It helps in controlling blood pressure.

Black raisins..

Black raisins..

Black raisins are rich in potassium. If it is taken regularly.. the sodium content in our body will be controlled. This makes hypertension normal. Diksha Bhavsar said that it is good for high BP patients to take 5-7 soaked dried black grapes for breakfast every morning. (Image source – pixabay)

Note: We have provided these details according to health experts and studies. This article is for your information only. For any minor health related problem the best way is to consult the doctors. Can observe.

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