Eye care tips: smog and air pollution have started causing irritation in the eyes, then these measures will work like medicine

Like every year, this year too the pollution has reached an alarming level after Diwali. Pollution was found at 999 per cubic meter in Delhi’s Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium on Friday. This level of air pollution is much higher than the standards set by the World Health Organization. Due to this alarming level of air pollution, the situation has become very serious and people are facing difficulty in breathing.

Along with this, symptoms like cough, headache, burning in the eyes and itching in the eyes are also being seen due to pollution. The light haze you are seeing in the air is not actually fog but smog. This smog can cause severe damage to your eyes and allergic reactions. In such a situation, we tell you that through which measures you can take care of your eyes from this smog.

healthy food-

The easiest way to take care of your eyes during pollution is to consume some healthy hot beverages. Apart from this, consuming foods containing vitamin A can also benefit your eyes. In this, you should include carrots, eggs, oranges, yellow vegetables, fruits and green leafy vegetables in your diet. It is an excellent source of all Vitamin A.

Keep yourself hydrated

Drinking water is not only beneficial for your skin or body but it is equally beneficial for the eyes. When you drink enough water, your body starts getting rid of toxins. Apart from this, it can also provide relief from dryness in the eyes. Along with this, it also removes the waste present under the eyes through tears.

pouring water in the eyes

Clean the eyes with water. You can do this remedy two to three times a day. This will give you relief from allergies caused by smog. Apart from this, do not touch the eyes frequently and keep washing hands from time to time.

Reduce screen time

Not only air pollution affects the eyes. Rather it can also be because of your screen time. If you are glued to your phone even after working on the system for 8 to 10 hours every day, then it can be dangerous for your eyes. In such a situation, apart from work, use the phone or system to a minimum, this will reduce the redness and irritation in your eyes.

How to take care of yourself from air pollution

The increased level of air pollution can badly affect your eyes. In this, you may see symptoms like watery eyes, itching, dryness in the eyes, redness and blurred vision. In such a situation, the best way to protect the eyes from this pollution is not to leave the house.

Do not do eye makeup

The most important way to avoid smog and air pollution is to keep a distance from makeup. Keep in mind that some makeup products can damage your eyes. In this, keep distance from eyeliner, eyeshadow and mascara. Also do not wear contact lenses. Also, whenever you come from outside, wash your hands, feet and face with water. Also use eye drops for the eyes.

Consult a doctor – Consult a doctor before using any kind of eye drops. On the other hand, if you have any kind of irritation, itching or redness, then contact the eye specialist.


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