NEP-2020 implemented in BHU from this session, graduate honors course with research approved

NEP-2020 implemented in BHU from this session, graduate honors course with research approved

National Education Policy-2020 will be implemented in BHU from the academic session 2024-25. In the Vidvat Parishad (Academic Council) meeting held on Wednesday, four-year research along with other courses including Undergraduate Honors were approved from the new session. The Academic Council also recommended removing differences in fees for various courses running in the faculties.

Vice Chancellor Prof. In the meeting of the Academic Council held under the chairmanship of Sudhir Kumar Jain, the proposal to implement NEP from the new session was approved. The core of this proposal is a four-year undergraduate course in Honors and Research. The names of these courses have been decided as Undergraduate Honors and Undergraduate Honors with Research. According to the proposal, out of the total students getting admission, ten percent of the students getting more than 7.5 CGPA marks will be able to get admission in Graduation Honors with Research on the basis of merit. After completing the four-year course, he will be able to directly take admission in research courses. All the graduating students will have to do multidisciplinary courses, skill development, capability development, value added courses as well as internship. Undergraduate Honors with Research students will also have to submit a dissertation in the final semester. The Academic Council also approved rationalization of fees of various undergraduate courses for the upcoming session. The university has made efforts to bring uniformity in fees and eliminate complexities. In the meeting, the Vice Chancellor also stressed on developing the skills and personality of all the students and making them responsible citizens. He said that a lot of work still remains to be done in this regard. Registrar Prof. Arun Kumar Singh conducted the special meeting of the Academic Council. Pro. Mukul Raj Mehta gave a presentation regarding the implementation of NEP. Pro. Rakesh Raman presented the graduate admission information brochure and outline of the proposed rationalization of fees in 2024-25.

Host will be available on 70 percent attendanceL
The Academic Council also approved the proposal to provide hostels to students with at least 70 percent attendance. It was also decided that the five-year BALLB course running in the Faculty of Law will continue in its present form because it is a special category course and does not come under the purview of NEP. Similarly, the professional skill development courses running in the Southern Campus and the courses regulated by specific regulatory bodies will also remain unchanged. Departments have been asked to do necessary review regarding the courses running there and make necessary preparations to make the proposed reforms effective.

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