Inspector post is not of basic category, there is no direct recruitment, court canceled the government order

Inspector post is not of basic category, there is no direct recruitment, court canceled the government order

Jharkhand High Court on Tuesday canceled the Jharkhand government's order to promote Inspector to the post of DSP considering it as a basic category post. Justice Gautam Kumar Choudhary's court canceled the government's order and said that the government's decision was not correct. The court said that Inspector is not a substantive post. There is no direct appointment on this. This post is filled by promotion, hence it cannot be considered as a basic post. The order issued by the Jharkhand Government on November 10, 2022 considering the post of Inspector as the basic category is wrong and hence it is cancelled. After hearing this case earlier, the court had reserved its decision.

Ravikant and others had filed a petition in this regard. Advocate Manoj Tandon, appearing on behalf of the applicants, told the court that the applicants were appointed on the post of Sub Inspector. In this his priority is highest. But those who were junior to him in the priority list have been promoted.

The court was told that due to being in the reservation list, those people who were junior to the applicants were promoted from the post of Sub Inspector to Inspector. His junior was promoted to the post of Inspector before him, hence he was promoted first. Whereas the applicants were promoted later due to being of general category. If promotion is given to the post of Inspector considering it as a basic category post, then general category employees get promotion to the post of Inspector later. In such a situation his promotion will be affected. He will be deprived of his rights. This decision of the state government is wrong and should be cancelled.

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