Viksit Bharat @2047: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch tomorrow the plan to make India a developed country.

Viksit Bharat @2047: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch tomorrow the plan to make India a developed country.

Viksit Bharat @2047: India is a rapidly growing developing country. India has moved ahead in the race to become a developed country. Soon the Indian economy will also touch five trillion dollars and we will become the third largest economy in the world. How to achieve the goal of becoming a developed country. For this the Prime Minister Narendra Modi is going to launch Viksit Bharat @2047 scheme on Monday. Under this, India is to be made a developed country after completion of 100 years of independence. 

Youth will be shown the path of development 

The aim of Viksit Bharat @2047 will be to show the youth those paths on which our country will shed the tag of being developed and will start being counted among the selected developed countries of the world. PM Modi will present his plan before the youth of the entire country and ideas will also be sought from them. PM Modi will present vision document for developed India.

Workshops will be organized in all Raj Bhawans 

Developed India @2047 workshop will be organized at 10.30 am in all the Raj Bhavans of the country. Vice Chancellors of all universities and heads of many institutions will participate in it. It has been named 'Developed India @2047: Voice of Youth'. This program will be organized through video conference. With this the Developed India program will start.  

Youth will get a new platform 

Prime Minister Modi's vision is to actively connect the youth of the country with this program. In the mission of Developed India @2047, youth should be involved in national programmes, priorities and target setting. This mission will also provide a platform to the youth to present their new ideas because only with their contribution this mission can be made successful. Under the Developed India @2047 mission, there will be discussion on achieving goals like economic growth, social progress, environmental protection and balance and good governance.

Which countries have become developed 

At present only a few countries in the world are developed  Have been able to achieve. Among these, only countries like America, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, France, Denmark and Israel are counted among developed countries. However, India is poised to become the world's third largest economy. But, the goal of development is far from that.   

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