Jeff Bezos: AI will not save us from destruction, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has full hope

Jeff Bezos: AI will not save us from destruction, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has full hope

Amazon Q: Jeff Bezos, founder of e-commerce platform Amazon and included in the world's top-10 richest people, has full hope that Artificial Intelligence will work to save us. He denied any possibility of this being a waste. Amazon's AI tool Amazon Q has been accused of leaking personal information. Due to this, Jeff Bezos had to give clarification. In a recent interview, Jeff Bezos talked about AI with Russian computer scientist Lex Fridman. During this time, some interesting things came to light. 

Allegations of leaking personal information on Amazon Q

Ecommerce company's AI tool Amazon Q has been accused of leaking personal information. This is raising doubts on the security of the platform. However, Bezos is optimistic about AI. He said that powerful equipment will not pose a threat. Jeff Bezos refused to consider common AI tools like ChatGPT an invention. He said that this is a discovery. We are constantly amazed by the capabilities of AI. These powerful AI tools are more likely to help and save us than to unbalance, hurt, and destroy us.

Launched in November Amazon Q

Amazon introduced its AI product Amazon Q in November 2023. This was said to be a step to bring revolution in business support. Working under Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon Queue employees are tasked with quickly providing accurate information and advice. The company claims that this will speed up the work. Besides, the decision making process will also become faster. Amazon Queue integrates with business-to-business (B2B) companies. According to AWS CEO Adam Selipsky, Amazon Queue can be easily integrated with software from 40 other companies including Salesforce, Microsoft 365, Google, Slack.&nbsp ;

Invested $4 billion in AI startup Anthropic

Amazon is working hard to enter the AI ​​segment. Last year, Amazon invested about $4 billion in Anthropic, a startup founded by former Open AI employees. Anthropic had also raised $2 billion from Google's parent company Alphabet Inc. The launch of Amazon Q did not go unnoticed in the market. Amazon entered AI late compared to tools like Chat GPT and Google's Bard. 

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