Bill Gates about Life: Microsoft founder Bill Gates shared his life experiences, did not believe in weekends or holidays.

Bill Gates about Life: Microsoft founder Bill Gates shared his life experiences, did not believe in weekends or holidays.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates:The story of Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and included in the list of the richest people in the world, is inspiring for crores of people in the world. Now Bill Gates has shared his life experiences. In a recent blog post he discussed the changes in his thinking. Gates said that he did not believe in weekends or holidays during his youth. But, as he grew older, he understood that there were many things in life more important than work. 

Microsoft was created 48 years ago 

Bill Gates, along with his childhood friend Paul Allen, founded Microsoft 48 years ago in 1975. Both friends together made it the world's largest tech company. Today it is a company with revenue of $ 211.9 billion. Its command is in the hands of Satya Nadella of Indian origin.  

Life is not just for working

Bill Gates wrote in the blog that when I was at the age of my children, I did not pay attention to weekends and holidays. In my youth I did not believe in these things. I did not understand any importance of these. But, when I became a father and gradually started growing older, I realized that there is more to life than work. Life is not just for working. 

Real life experiences are very useful 

He further wrote that real life experiences are as important in life as your work. These experiences are very useful for you. The wisdom I gained from watching my children grow up is something you cannot get anywhere else. It cannot be compared with anything else.  

There is a discussion in India regarding working hours

This blog of Bill Gates came at a time when there is a discussion about working hours in India. Infosys founder Narayana Murthy had recently said that if the country wants to develop then the youth should work 70 hours a week. He said that I used to work for about 90 hours. After this a big debate broke out on social media. People had criticized that in many offices, no attention is paid to the mental and physical health of the employees. Besides, the salary is also very low. 

Emphasis given on the importance of work life balance

Till a few days ago, Bill Gates also had similar views. But now he has emphasized the importance of work life balance. The famous billionaire further wrote in the blog post that I hope that this holiday season you will take out some time for your enjoyment and relaxation so that you can enter 2024 with new energy.

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