Chhattisgarh Maoist: Maoists release engineer seven days later

Engineer Ajay Roshan Lakra, who was kidnapped seven days ago, was finally released by the Maoists. He was abducted by Maoists in Bijapur district of Chhattisgarh. However, Lakra was released in front of the media in the People’s Court today.

Seven days of windfall. For the past seven days, the media and elders have been urging the Maoists to release the engineer. Media personnel, including his wife, spent 7 days in the jungle searching for the engineer.

They were caught on inspection. Ajay Roshan Lakra, an engineer who went to inspect the works, was abducted by the Maoists. Attendant Laxman Partagiri was released two days later. Engineer Lakra was recently released from a public court today while in custody.

Tensions are high in the Chhattisgarh forest area. After the recent death of RK there was a glowing nipple. However development work is being done amidst security. Some contractors are laying roads in Gorna, a Naxal-affected area. Occasionally engineers go to examine these works. & Nbsp;

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