Squid Game Wallpaper 4K HD App: This dangerous app is not even in your phone, delete it immediately

Squid Game Wallpaper 4K HD App : Squid Game has become very popular in recent times. The craze of this series of Netflix is ​​visible. Fraudsters are also taking advantage of this popularity. The thugs have duped many people by making a fake app in the name of this game. After receiving frequent complaints, Google has removed one such app from the Play Store, banning it.

How this app was trapping

This dangerous app was available on the Play Store as Squid Game Wallpaper 4K HD. The app was first complained about by security company ESET expert Lucas Stefanko. Joker malware was hidden in this app. Through this, the thugs used to send many fake advertisements and SMS subscriptions to the users’ mobiles. Users were signed up for many premium services without knowing it. A very high charge was charged for this. This app was downloaded more than 5000 times before the ban.

Keep these things in mind to avoid this kind of app

  • Before downloading any app from playstore, go to the more detail of that app. Verify the company name there.
  • Thugs also make dummy of many apps, so before downloading the app, it is important that you also check how many times it has been downloaded. The one that gets downloaded the most times will be the original app.
  • It would be better if you the review before installing the app.
  • App after downloading the app Asks for many types of permissions, each one of the permissions properly and only then allow them. Do not allow the app to access your personal information.

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