Smart project management methodologies by applying the Stacey matrix

The Stacey Matrix is a project management tool that helps organizations understand and manage complex projects. It uses a matrix to depict different levels of uncertainty and complexity in a project and how to address them. This methodology enables project managers to make informed decisions and take proactive measures to ensure project success.

The Stacey Matrix is based on three primary dimensions of project complexity:

uncertainty, interdependence, and dynamic change.


The matrix contains four quadrants, each representing a different level of complexity and uncertainty, and each requiring a different management approach.

The four quadrants are:

  • Simple Certainty: This quadrant represents projects with low levels of uncertainty and complexity. These projects have well-defined goals, clear requirements, and stable processes. In this quadrant, project managers can use traditional, prescriptive approaches such as Waterfall methodologies.
  • Complicated Certainty: This quadrant represents projects that are more complex than simple certainty projects but still have low levels of uncertainty. These projects require more coordination and management, but the objectives and requirements are well-defined. Project managers in this quadrant should use a more structured and systematic approach, such as Agile methodologies.
  • Complex Uncertainty: This quadrant represents projects that are both complex and uncertain. The goals and requirements are not well defined, and the processes are subject to change. Project managers in this quadrant need to use a more adaptive approach, such as the Agile Scrum methodology, which allows for iteration and adjustment as the project progresses.
  • Chaos: This quadrant represents projects that are both complex and highly uncertain. There is little understanding of the objectives, and the requirements and processes are continually changing. Project managers in this quadrant need to use a highly flexible and adaptive approach, such as the Agile Kanban methodology, which emphasizes continuous delivery and flexibility.

How to use the Stacey matrix with Hybrid project management

The Stacey Matrix can be used in combination with hybrid project management methodologies to provide a flexible and effective approach to project management.

A hybrid project management approach can then be tailored to meet the unique needs of the project.

Here’s how to use the Stacey Matrix with Hybrid project management:

  • Determine the level of complexity and uncertainty: The first step in using the Stacey Matrix is to determine the level of complexity and uncertainty in the project. Based on the level of complexity and uncertainty, the project can then be placed in one of the four quadrants of the Stacey Matrix.
  • Select the appropriate hybrid approach: Once the level of complexity and uncertainty has been determined, the appropriate hybrid approach can then be selected. In the Simple Certainty quadrant, a hybrid approach combining elements of traditional project management and Agile methodologies can be used. In the Complicated Certainty quadrant, a hybrid approach combining elements of both Waterfall and Agile methodologies can be used. In the Complex Uncertainty quadrant, a hybrid approach combining elements of Agile Scrum and Lean methodologies can be used.
  • Implement the hybrid approach: Once the appropriate hybrid approach has been selected, the next step is to implement it. This involves selecting the specific methodologies and techniques to be used and tailoring them to meet the unique needs of the project. It is important to note that the hybrid approach may need to be adjusted as the project progresses and the level of complexity and uncertainty changes.
  • Monitor and control the project: Regular monitoring and control of the project are essential to ensure that it stays on track and achieves its desired outcomes. The Stacey Matrix can be used to monitor the level of complexity and uncertainty and to ensure that the hybrid approach is still appropriate. If necessary, the hybrid approach can be adjusted to meet the changing needs of the project.


The use of smart project management methodologies, such as the Stacey Matrix and Hybrid project management, can help organizations improve the chances of project success and achieve their strategic goals and objectives.

By using the Stacey Matrix to determine the level of complexity and uncertainty in a project, project managers can select the appropriate hybrid project management approach to meet the unique needs of the project. The hybrid approach can then be implemented, monitored, and adjusted as necessary to ensure the project stays on track and achieves its desired outcomes.

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