Now no scam will happen to you from the closed number, DOT is working on this plan

Now no scam will happen to you from the closed number, DOT is working on this plan

Cyber ​​scam cases are increasing day by day. Scammers are targeting people in different ways. Recently you must have read and seen many cases related to SIM fraud through us. In this digital age, as important as our data is, our mobile number is also equally important. Nowadays, to complete every action, mobile number is required because confirmation message comes in it. Authentication message comes on mobile for everyone like Bank, Aadhaar, College, Office, PF etc. In such a situation, if someone gets our mobile number or someone steals the phone, you may be in trouble.

DOT will curb scams in this way 

< p>Actually, DOT is preparing such an AI platform from where banks and Aadhaar agency will get information about the numbers which are disconnected. That means they are not in use. This will mean that no one will be able to commit fraud through the disconnected number. Telecom Secretary Neeraj Mittal said at the AI ​​summit that the platform is being developed with data from telecom companies and AI will be used to remove connections or mobile numbers that are no longer active. 

AI will immediately identify SIM purchased with fake ID 

Neeraj Mittal said that AI will be used to ensure compliance with licensing conditions, at the point of sale. This is being done to remove the possibility of fraud and to ensure that the telecom ecosystem is reliable as an infrastructure for digital services. He said that DOT has launched initiatives like Artificial Intelligence and Facial Recognition powered solution for Telecom SIM Subscriber Verification (ASTR) to identify fraudulent mobile connections. KYC documents are checked with the help of AI. If someone has used duplicate documents then AI catches them and then the number is blocked. 

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