Instagram and Facebook like feature coming in LinkedIn, testing of short video feed started

Instagram and Facebook like feature coming in LinkedIn, testing of short video feed started

LinkedIn: LinkedIn is now preparing to compete with platforms like Instagram, Facebook and TikTok. Actually, LinkedIn is testing short video feature on its platform. This means that in the coming few months, people will be able to watch short videos on LinkedIn like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and TikTok. 

New feature coming in LinkedIn

This new news has come to light through a latest report by TechCrunch. According to this report, LinkedIn is working on short video feed feature and is also testing this feature. Austin Null, strategy director of an agency named McKinney, was the first to see this feed. Austin Null was the first to spot this new feature of LinkedIn and also shared a small demo. In the demo shared by him, it can be seen that a new video tab is visible in the navigation bar of the LinkedIn app.

Users will be taken to LinkedIn's short video feed by tapping on this new video tab. Users can swipe to change videos, watch other videos, like videos, and even share videos with others or on their feed.

No information about video content

However, till now no official statement has come from LinkedIn regarding this short video feed feature. Apart from this, it is not yet clear how video content will be seen in LinkedIn's video feed.

Actually, LinkedIn is a job searching site. People search and post jobs in this app. The content present in this app is completely professional. In such a situation, it will be very interesting to see what type of content will be seen in the video feed of this app.

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