Insta, FB, WhatsApp and Telegram are installed in the phone, so read this before becoming an owl

Online Fraud through Social Media: Shopping from well-known e-commerce websites is considered safe and secure. But nowadays people are also shopping through social media apps. Actually, there are many groups and pages on Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook and Telegram etc. where clothes, gadgets and other items are listed and people buy their favorite items from here. Some pages and groups are really good but there are some who are fooling people. If you have these four major social media apps installed in your phone too, then definitely read this article. 

Thugs made away with Rs 29 lakh 

Don’t make this mistake

If you also use these apps, then keep in mind that never shop from any page or group present on such apps. Always order the goods from a trusted place and do the payment for safety only after receiving the order. Do not trust any unknown link or person and do not disclose your personal information to them. This is not the first case where a person has been cheated in this way. Earlier also Delhi Police had arrested a person from Kolkata who duped a person of Rs 48,000 through an Instagram page. 

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