Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg ramp walk in fashion show, Hey! something is wrong here

Mark Zuckerberg : Have you seen Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg walking the ramp in Louis Vuitton? Pictures of Mark Zuckerberg confidently walking the ramp with fabulous clothes are going viral on the internet. The pictures have taken the social media world by storm. Many people are wondering whether Mark Zuckerberg is changing career after firing thousands of employees in Meta. At the same time, many people are thinking that why Mark Zuckerberg is doing this. Many people are feeling that there is actually Mark Zuckerberg in the pictures, whereas it is not so. Images are not real, but created with the help of AI. 

AI created amazing pictures 


Mark Zuckerberg doing rounds on the runway, pure fashionista.

💬Prompt in alt https://t.co/GQB0nXRzHs pic.twitter.com/xYE3zkaGAm

— Linus ( ● ᴗ ) (@LinusEkenstam) March 29, 2023


Who made the photos? 

These pictures of Mark Zuckerberg have been prepared with the help of Midjourney. The pictures generated with the help of Zuckerberg’s AI have been shared by a Twitter user named Linus, who is an AI creator. However,  This is not the first time that AI-generated funny pictures of public figures have gone viral on social media. Earlier, some pictures of former US President Donald Trump and Elon Musk have also created panic on the internet. 


Mark Zuckerberg for @LouisVuitton pic.twitter.com/uxF2lf3ind

— Andrew Kean Gao (@itsandrewgao) March 29, 2023

After the photos took the internet by storm, Midjourney, the AI ​​tool that helped create them, stopped offering a free trial to the public Is. Photos can now only be created using Midjourney version 5, available only to PAD subscribers.

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