Do not pour water into the inverter battery recklessly, it will not take time for it to get damaged, know the tips for pouring water.

Do not pour water into the inverter battery recklessly, it will not take time for it to get damaged, know the tips for pouring water.

Inverter Battery: When and how much water should be added to the inverter? This question must have been coming to your mind too. Many people are not aware of it. Most people unknowingly pour water into the inverter. If you are also adding water based on your own guess, then be careful. Because perhaps you are making a big mistake. Doing this may also cause damage to your inverter (battery). So now the question comes that when and how much water should be added? Don’t worry, we are sharing important information about it.

Let us tell you that if excessive water is poured into the inverter battery, it gets spoiled quickly. Yes. Water exceeding one level can be fatal for your battery. Along with this, the possibility of electric shock and battery explosion also increases to a great extent. So it is very important to add only as much water as is required.

Indicator of adding water to the battery

Water level in the battery of the inverter. An indicator is given to tell, these indicators vary according to the battery. This means that all inverter batteries are not the same. Along with the battery, the company also provides a booklet for information about its water level. If you read this booklet you will understand everything. Nevertheless, let us tell you that if you see the stick in the battery below the mark given on the indicator, then understand that there is a need to add water to the battery of your inverter. If the stick is on top then you do not need to take tension.

When to put water in the inverter battery in summer?

Water in the inverter in summer. It ends quickly. In such a situation, you must check the water level of the inverter once a month. If the indicator is down, you should carefully pour water into the battery of your inverter.

Keep this in mind while pouring water into the battery

Whenever you If you pour water into the inverter battery, you must take some precautions. For example, while pouring water into the battery, turn off the inverter and remove its socket from the plug. Use a small plastic vessel or bottle to pour water. Another thing that should also be kept in mind is that do not fill the place for pouring water completely. Leave some space in it. There is no problem in filling it up to about 90 percent. If you fill it till the top, water will start coming out while installing the indicator and it can also cause electric shock.

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