Big news for Instagram users, now you can create second profile for special people, Flipside feature started available

Big news for Instagram users, now you can create second profile for special people, Flipside feature started available

You all must be active on Instagram. Many people will also join you every day. Some are strange and some are real followers and really like your work. In this era of social media, we all often keep getting wrong kind of messages. Especially more lewd comments are seen on girls' posts. Compared to boys, girls have to face dirty messages daily. No sooner have I posted that I start receiving lewd messages etc. 

To save you from all this trouble, Instagram is introducing a new feature. In fact, many users have already received it. Users have shared this information on X. Instagram is bringing a feature called Flipside in which users can flip their profile and connect with certain people with new names, photos, posts etc.

What is Flipside feature? 

Under the Flipside feature of Instagram, you will be able to create a separate profile for some special people along with your current account. That is, without losing your old account, you can create a second profile in which your name, profile picture, reels, photos, posts etc. will be different and only those people will be able to see all this whom you will add to this profile.< /p>

Post by @mattnavarra
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You will be able to switch between your normal profile and the profile created for special people with a button which you will find at the bottom of the profile page. So that you can understand better, we are adding a video here. 

Note, currently only a few users have got this feature. The company can gradually roll it out for everyone. In a way you can say that now you do not need to create another private account for special people. You can connect with such people from other profiles in the same account. With this you will also be protected from negative people.   

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