delta version

Covid-19 Pandemic: Corona spread its foot again in China, schools had to be closed in Shanghai, so many Kovid cases found in 3 cities…

Covid-19 Cases In Chinese cities: Corona is spreading its feet once again in China. Due to which an atmosphere of panic has been created among the health officials there. Schools have to be closed due to Kovid in the important city of Shanghai in China. While taking protective measures, about 500 flights have been canceled […]

Covid-19 Pandemic: Corona spread its foot again in China, schools had to be closed in Shanghai, so many Kovid cases found in 3 cities… Read More »

Covid-19 Pandemic: New variant of Kovid-19 found in South Africa, capable of Multiple Mutations

New Covid-19 Variant In South Africa: Scientists from South Africa shared new information regarding Kovid-19 on Thursday  While stating that they have detected a new covid variant with multiple mutation potential.  This variant was detected after an increase in the number of infections in South Africa. Virologist Tulio de Oliveira organized a press conference and

Covid-19 Pandemic: New variant of Kovid-19 found in South Africa, capable of Multiple Mutations Read More »

Covid-19 Vaccination: Now the anti-covid vaccination of children of 5 to 11 years has started in this country, read the full news to know…

Covid Shots to Children: Israel, which has recovered from the fourth wave of the Kovid epidemic, has now started anti-Covid vaccination of children between the ages of five and 11 years on Tuesday.  Israel has recently recovered from the fourth wave of the Kovid epidemic. At the same time, for the last few weeks, daily

Covid-19 Vaccination: Now the anti-covid vaccination of children of 5 to 11 years has started in this country, read the full news to know… Read More »

Covid-19 New Variant: A new sub-lineage of the Kovid delta variant found in Sri Lanka, is highly transmissible even in the vaccinated population

New Delta Variant: Sri Lanka on Friday detected a new sub-lineage of the Delta variant of COVID-19. This version is scientifically named as B.1.617.2 AY-104. According to the information received, this variant is highly transmissible even in the vaccinated population. This is the third variant of Kovid-19 found in Sri Lanka. However, this sub-lineage ‘AY-104’

Covid-19 New Variant: A new sub-lineage of the Kovid delta variant found in Sri Lanka, is highly transmissible even in the vaccinated population Read More »

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