cruise drugs

NCB: What happened during the meeting of National Vice President of Scheduled Castes Arun Haldar Sameer Wakhede?

National Vice President of Scheduled Castes Arun Haldar called on Sameer Wankhede today. At this time, Sameer Wankhede discussed with Arun Haldar about the religious allegations that have been going on for the last few days. The two also met yesterday and Sameer Wankhede had presented some evidence in this regard to the National Vice […]

NCB: What happened during the meeting of National Vice President of Scheduled Castes Arun Haldar Sameer Wakhede? Read More »

Aryan Khan Released: Shah Rukh’s unique fans, recitation of Hanuman Chalisa outside Mannat after Aryan’s release

After Aryan’s release from jail, there was a good crowd of Shah Rukh’s fans outside Mannat’s bungalow. In this crowd, a Baba started reciting Hanuman Chalisa. & Nbsp; Nandibal Wala, who is a fan of Shah Rukh Khan, played the tune of Shah Rukh’s song. Now, after seeing such a large crowd, it is natural

Aryan Khan Released: Shah Rukh’s unique fans, recitation of Hanuman Chalisa outside Mannat after Aryan’s release Read More »

Aryan Khan arrives at Mannat Bungalow, playing firecrackers, announcing Shahrukh Khan’s fans cheer

Aryan Khan Bail: & nbsp; Cruise party case & nbsp; (Mumbai Cruise Drug Case) 26 days after his arrest, Shah Rukh Khan’s son & nbsp; "margin: 0px; padding: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; color: # ec2436! important; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; font-family: Cambay, ‘Noto Sans’, ‘Hind Siliguri’, ‘Hind Vadodara’, ‘Mukta Mahee’, sans-serif; font-size: 20px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures:

Aryan Khan arrives at Mannat Bungalow, playing firecrackers, announcing Shahrukh Khan’s fans cheer Read More »

Aryan Khan Released: After 26 days of waiting, Aryan Khan is out of jail, admitted to Mannat Bungalow …

Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan was finally released on bail 26 days after his arrest in the Mumbai Cruise Drug Case. Outside the Arthur Road jail, Shah Rukh Khan had come to pick up his son. It is learned that a lawyer is also present along with Shah Rukh Khan. A large crowd of

Aryan Khan Released: After 26 days of waiting, Aryan Khan is out of jail, admitted to Mannat Bungalow … Read More »

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