Asia Hindi News

Fear of Omicron: Japan stopped the entry of foreigners, Canada, Britain and Netherlands increased strictness including Singapore

Image Source : PTI (REPRESENTATIONAL IMAGE) Fear of Omicron: Japan stopped the entry of foreigners, Canada, Britain and Netherlands increased strictness including Singapore Highlights Countries around the world again started imposing strict restrictions. A strict lockdown was implemented in the Netherlands from Sunday. Tokyo: new variants of corona virus Omron Due to fear, countries around

Fear of Omicron: Japan stopped the entry of foreigners, Canada, Britain and Netherlands increased strictness including Singapore Read More »

Nepal’s former PM said – will ‘take back’ Kalapani, Limpiyadhura, Lipulekh from India after coming to power

Image Source : PTI Nepal’s former PM said – will ‘take back’ Kalapani, Limpiyadhura, Lipulekh from India after coming to power Highlights We are in favor of resolving problems through dialogue, not by enmity with neighbours: Oli Both India and Nepal claim Kalapani as an integral part of their territory. Kathmandu: Nepal’s former prime minister

Nepal’s former PM said – will ‘take back’ Kalapani, Limpiyadhura, Lipulekh from India after coming to power Read More »

Bangladesh begins sending hundreds more Rohingya refugees to ‘dangerous’ island

Image Source : AP REPRESENTATIONAL Bangladesh on Thursday began sending hundreds of Rohingya refugees to an island in the Bay of Bengal. Highlights Bangladesh has given shelter to 11 lakh Rohingya Muslims in camps near its shores. A total of 1500 Rohingyas will be brought to the island in a phased manner over the next

Bangladesh begins sending hundreds more Rohingya refugees to ‘dangerous’ island Read More »

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