Ghost Story: Ghost! Who solved the mystery of his own murder, know the story of 124 years old

WashingtonIn America, a ghost helped the police in solving his murder mystery. This incident happened about 124 years ago today in Greenbrier County, a rural area in the US state of West Virginia. In this county lived a blacksmith named Erasmus Edward Shue. He was married three months earlier to a woman named Elva. One […]

Ghost Story: Ghost! Who solved the mystery of his own murder, know the story of 124 years old Read More »

US Army will beat China in space, going to build superhighway, know what is the plan

Highlights US military is going to build a ‘space superhighway’ to make the journey to the moon easier Using this space superhighway, people will travel to the moon in future. There will be a refueling facility on this highway, the spacecraft can be repaired WashingtonThe US Army is going to build a ‘Space Superhighway’ to

US Army will beat China in space, going to build superhighway, know what is the plan Read More »

Just wait a bit! Scorpio, Bolero and XUV500, 3 home-grown cars coming in new avatar, see special things

Highlights Mahindra’s cool cars will come in better shape Next generation will be in terms of looks and features Cars like Creta, Seltos, Aster will compete New Delhi.Mahindra Upcoming SUV Scorpio Bolero XUV500 Launch: Major automobile companies in India are launching or are about to launch next generation models of many of their popular cars.

Just wait a bit! Scorpio, Bolero and XUV500, 3 home-grown cars coming in new avatar, see special things Read More »

Before taking the child on a journey, pack these foods in the tiffin, the stomach will not be upset

carry milk Milk acts as a complete food for baby and toddler. It contains many nutrients. If the baby is breastfed, you can store and transport breast milk with the help of a breast pump. You can give this milk to the baby in public places and vehicles. Formula milk is also good here. .

Before taking the child on a journey, pack these foods in the tiffin, the stomach will not be upset Read More »

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