World Sleep Day 2024 : Your pillow has more bacteria than the toilet seat.. results of new study

World Sleep Day 2024 : Your pillow has more bacteria than the toilet seat.. results of new study

World Sleep Day : Many people are losing sleep due to various reasons. Some take it too lightly and stay online late into the night. Due to this, physical and mental health is seriously affected. To create awareness about this, World Sleep Day is organized on 15th March every year. About the importance of sleep, the benefits of it and the harms of lack of proper sleep are made aware. Experts say that the bedroom plays an important role in promoting better sleep. It is said that if there is no peaceful environment when going to the room after hard work, sleep will be lost. That is why they want to make sure that the bed room is clean and peaceful. If a pillow is used unwashed, it can accumulate 3 million bacteria in a week. It is 17,000 times more polluting than a toilet seat, according to an Amerisleep report. An unwashed blanket contains 24,631 times more bacteria than a bathroom door knob.

How to clean the bedroom..

This latest research shows how important it is to clean the bed and bedding. More on these topics Joanne Kang, Lead Research Scientist in Microbiology at Dyson, is trying to create awareness. Tips on how to remove excess dust, dust, allergens and insects in the bedroom, vacuuming to create a cleaner bedroom. The blankets, pillow covers, blankets on the bed should be washed regularly. By doing this, you can break down the allergens and reduce their impact.

Check for bed bugs like this.

Use mattress covers once a week to remove dust and allergens. They say that washing and changing should be done. In some cases the mattresses contain some dust mites. They stick to the fibers of the mattress and cause problems. They can be difficult to remove. At that time, the dust hidden in the mattress can be effectively removed with Dyson screw tools. Vacuuming pillows, cushions, or soft toys is a good idea to remove bed bugs and allergens. After cleaning the mattress, the cupboards and wardrobes in the room have to be cleaned. Otherwise, there is a chance of dust on them.. again falling on the mattresses.

Air quality

We spend most of our time in the bedroom for sleep. Air quality should be better at that time. Pollution accumulates indoors due to various reasons. Cooking, various factors affect air quality. At that time we clean the house with different solutions. We light candles to get rid of the bad smell inside. Along with these, air purifiers can be used which expose the pollutants. 

If you want to use purifiers.. it is better to have an air purifier with efficient and sensing capabilities. They filter harmful factors. It also improves indoor air quality. It promotes better sleep. It helps in improving the quality of your sleep. Also reduces dust, dirt, allergens, pollutants and improves health. 

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