World Record: Guinness World Record holder for balancing 735 eggs in a hat

Every year many strange records are kept in the Guinness Book of World Records. One such bizarre record is the & lsquo; highest egg balance in a hat & rsquo; Doing. This record was created by & nbsp; Gregory Dasilva of Africa. He balanced his hat with 735 eggs in one go. So far no one was able to send in the perfect solution, which is not strange. The feat was performed by Gregory at a special show in China. It was videotaped and sent to Guinness World Records. & Nbsp;

Not the little hat Gregory used. Gregory made a very large hat and attached the eggs to it. It took him three days to carefully attach the eggs. Gregory balanced for a moment, holding the hat over his head. If you post the video on Instagram, you will get over 60 thousand likes and five and a half lakh views in a matter of minutes. The Guinness Book of Records recognizes this and records Gregory’s name in their book. In May last year, a Londoner named Jack Harris set a record by balancing 18 eggs on the back of his hand. & Nbsp;


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