Wife and Husband fight: ‘I can’t be with my wife .. put me in jail’ .. O husband, unexpected twist ..

The husband says prison is worse than e s. He said it was better to be with hardened criminals than to live with his family at home. He turned to the police. He told the police not to stay in that house, which was worse than the prison, and to put me in jail. And did the police grant his request? What happened in the end?

A 30 – year – old man lives with his wife in Guadonia Montesilio, Rome. He recently went to the police station and requested the police to put him in jail so that he could not stay with his wife. The carabinieri police in Tivoli said this in a statement. & lsquo; & lsquo; Frustrated with his wife’s harassment, he requested that he leave the house & rsquo; & rsquo; Police said. The police put the husband in jail as he asked. How do you do that? There’s an unexpected twist to this.

Tivoli carabinieri captain Francisco Giacomo Ferrante said, & lsquo; He was placed under house arrest rather than in jail. He should stay home for a few more years. Do not come out without the permission of the police. With this he has been at home for years. As a result, there are clashes between his wife and the accused. That is why he told us that it is better to be in jail than under house arrest. Said he would no longer be in jail & rsquo; & rsquo; Said.

Also Read: & nbsp; Why are there pornographic images on houses in Bhutan? How do people live happily ever after? In sum he was thus liberated from his wife. In January of this year, a man from China was arrested for intentionally committing a crime. The reason for this is that he is harassing his girlfriend to get married. If he was arrested and sent to jail .. he thought he would like to marry the criminal or leave him. On this occasion a Bluetooth speaker was stolen from a dance studio in Shanghai. The police tracked him down and arrested him. & nbsp; & lsquo; & lsquo; My girlfriend says she’s going to marry me. But, I don’t like it. I know you will find me and arrest me. But, I did not expect to be caught so quickly & rsquo; & rsquo; Said.

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