Weight Loss: Lose weight fast… Just include this low-carb protein recipe in breakfast

Weight Loss: If you are always looking for low carb nutritious diet, then today in this article we will tell you about some healthy recipes for breakfast. These recipes are packed with protein and contain a small amount of carbs. Try these to lose weight fast without giving up on taste. Everyone leaves good food in the process of reducing weight, but now you do not need it, if you include these recipes in your breakfast then it will be easy to lose weight along with taste. 

Sprout Salad


Moong Dal – 40 grams

Gourd – 20 grams

Coriander leaves – a little

Olive oil – 1/2 tsp

Black salt – 1 pinch

Lemon juice – to taste



Raw papaya – 40 grams

Horse leaves – 20 grams

Grated coconut – 10 grams

Chopped onions – 1 tsp

Curry leaves – 3

Mustard seeds – ½ small spoon

Turmeric Powder – ¼ small spoon

Black salt – 1 pinch

Coconut oil – ½ small spoon

Cut the raw papaya and moringa leaves finely and keep aside Heat oil in a pan, add some mustard seeds, curry leaves, shallots and fry well Add the raw papaya and moringa leaves mix well and 2 Cover and cook for 3 minutes. Add grated coconut, turmeric powder and salt, mix well and cook for 1 minute. Serve hot.

Ragi Dosa


Ragi seeds – 30 grams

Urad Dal – 20 grams

Moong Dal – 10 grams

Oil – ½ small spoon

Ginger – ¼ small spoon

Onion – 2 

Black salt – as per taste

Soak ragi seeds, urad dal and moong dal overnight and grind it to make a smooth slurry and make a paste of shallots and ginger and add it to the ground mixture, add salt to taste, mix all the ingredients well Mix, heat a pan, add some oil, pour a spoonful of the batter and spread it in a thin dosa and cook both the sides and serve hot.

Disclaimer: In this article mentioned Take the methods, methods and claims as suggestions only, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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