The effect of salt on blood flow to the brain; In front of the shocking information from the report

How Salt Affects Blood Flow To The Brain: We use salt to make delicious food. But overuse of salt also causes damage. A study has revealed that the use of salt affects the blood flow to the brain. A study by researchers in Georgia revealed this. This is the first study on blood flow to the brain and the use of salt. There is a lot of information in this. This research has revealed amazing information about the relationship between neuron activity in the brain and blood flow in the brain, as well as the effects of salt intake on it. & Nbsp; Under the leadership of Javier Stern, research was conducted in Georgia on how salt affects the blood flow to the brain.

When nerves (neurons & ndash; neurons) are activated, & nbsp; speeds up blood flow, especially in those areas. & Nbsp; This relationship is known as neural connectivity or functional hyperemia. This is due to the dilation of blood vessels in the brain (functional magnetic resource imaging fMRI), called arteries. Researchers in Georgia have identified areas of impaired blood flow to diagnose brain disorders. & Nbsp; Previous studies of neurovascular coupling have been limited to the upper parts of the brain (such as the cerebral cortex), and scientists have examined how blood flow changes primarily in response to sensory stimuli from the environment.

They focused on the hypothalamus. It is a part of the brain that is involved in vital functions of the body, including drinking, eating, regulating body temperature, and reproduction. The study, published in Cell Reports, looked at how salt intake changes blood flow to the brain. Detailed information on blood flow changes. & Nbsp; However, previous research on blood flow to the brain was limited to & nbsp; superficial areas. But scientists have studied and researched how blood flow changes mainly in sensory stimuli from the environment (such as visual or auditory stimuli). It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. Which are related to the stimuli produced in the body, also known as the interseptive signal.

& ldquo; We chose salt because the body needs to control its sodium levels very precisely. We also have specific cells that detect how much salt is in your blood. When you eat salty foods, the brain senses it. At this time, the body’s system is activated to equalize the sodium level, said the researcher. Javier Stern said. & Rdquo;

The findings from the study surprised us. Because, we did vascular observations. Which is in contrast to many of the things described in the cortex in response to sensory stimulation. In the case of diseases such as Alzheimer’s or stroke or ischemia, blood flow to the cortex is usually reduced, he said. Javier Stern said. When we eat too much salt, our sodium levels rise for a longer period of time. Hypoxia is a mechanism that strengthens the ability of neurons to respond to constant salt stimulation. Which, of course, made the video an overnight sensation. That’s what Javier Stern said.

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