Tata Cancer Tablet: Check for cancer with Rs.100 pill now, amazing discovery of Tata researchers in medical research

Tata Cancer Tablet: Check for cancer with Rs.100 pill now, amazing discovery of Tata researchers in medical research

Tata Researchers Amazing Discovery In Medical Research: Leading cancer research institute Tata Institute is about to discover a rare miracle. Until now, patients have been spending lakhs of rupees for cancer treatment, but now a check is going to be given with a pill of Rs.100. Cancer‌ Researchers at the institute say they have discovered a treatment that prevents a second recurrence. Tata Memorial Hospital Senior Cancer Surgeon Dr. Rajendra Badve announced that a pill has been developed. It has been revealed that the value of this pill is only Rs.100. Researchers and doctors of Tata Institute have worked hard for almost 10 years to create this pill. He said that this pill has the potential to effectively prevent cancer from developing again in patients. It is explained that this pill has the ability to reduce the side effects of treatments like radiation and chemotherapy by more than 50 percent.  

Experiment on mice is successful

Rajendra Badve explained the key points of the experiment to create a cancer pill. ‘‘As part of this research we have introduced human cancer cells in mice. A tumor was formed in a mouse with these cells. After that we treated the mice with radiation therapy, chemotherapy and surgery. These cancer cells die and break up into small pieces called chromatin particles. These tiny cells can travel through the blood to other parts of the body. If it enters healthy cells, it can cause cancer again. Doctors gave the mice pro-oxidant pills containing resveratrol and copper to prevent a second chance of developing cancer. Copper produces oxygen radicals. Chromatin destroys cells. With this, there is no chance of getting cancer for the second time’’ Rajendra said.

It is likely to enter the market by June or July

Moreover, he explained that the pill developed by Tata company researchers can reduce the side effects related to cancer treatment by up to 50 percent. He said that 30 percent is effective in preventing second cancer. This pill needs to be approved by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. He said that there are chances of this pill coming into the market in June or July. It is explained that this pill is going to play a vital role in improving cancer treatment. He said that the cost of cancer treatment, which was lakhs of rupees till now, is likely to reach hundreds.   

Surgical tumor resection deregulates Hallmarks of Cancer in resected tissue and the surrounding microenvironment https://t.co/7MUYIhr7lv

— Tata Memorial Hospital (@TataMemorial) February 25, 2024

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