Sweet Potato Soup Recipe : Winter special sweet potato soup.. best recipe for weight loss

Sweet Potato Soup Recipe : Winter special sweet potato soup.. best recipe for weight loss

Winter Breakfast Recipe : Losing weight in winter is a bit difficult. Because getting up early in the morning…exercise is not enough excitement. At such times we can take some healthy foods. They help in controlling and reducing weight. Sweet potato soup is one such. It is very good for health. Full of essential nutrients for the body.. It helps you lose weight. Moreover, it makes you feel full for a long time. 

We also add coconut milk to this soup. It provides more nutrients to the body. It does not require much time to prepare. So how can you make this sweet potato soup recipe? Now let's know what are the required ingredients. 


sweet potato – 2 medium size 

onion – 1 medium size

Carrot – 2 small

Oil – 2 tsp

Ginger – 1 pinch

Garlic – 2 cloves

Cumin powder – half teaspoon

Chili- half teaspoon

Vegetable stock – 400 grams

Coconut milk – 150 liters

Salt – Sufficient for taste 

Preparation method..

First cook sweet potato and keep aside. Wash onion, carrot, ginger and garlic well.. chop into small pieces and keep aside. Now light the stove and place a pan on it. Add oil to it and heat it, then add onion and carrot. Fry them until they are slightly cooked and change color. Now add ginger and garlic to it.. Let it cook for a while. 

Now smash the boiled sweet potatoes and put them in a pan. Add cumin powder, chilli and salt and mix well. Now add vegetable stock to it and mix well. Cover it for ten minutes.. keep it in the stove sim.. let it boil. Then blend it to a soup-like consistency. Adjust the spices according to taste.. Finally add coconut milk. After mixing it well and turning off the stove, hot sweet potato soup is ready. 

Sweet potato soup recipe is not only delicious. Very healthy. From children to adults, everyone can drink it comfortably. Especially those suffering from diabetes can also take it in their diet. It will give you relief from cold in the morning. Alternatively, it can be taken before going to sleep. So you will get relief from night chills. 

Also Read : Carrot Walnut Barfi for New Year.. You can make it easily at home

Note: The information collected from various studies, researches and health journals is provided here as usual for your understanding. This information is not a substitute for medical care or treatment. If you have any doubts regarding health, you should definitely consult a doctor. For the items mentioned in this article, “ABP Country'', ‘ABP Network’ Note that no liability is assumed.

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