Saggubiyyam kichidi : Saggubiyyam kichidi recipe.. It can also be served as an offering.

Saggubiyyam kichidi : Saggubiyyam kichidi recipe.. It can also be served as an offering.

Sabudana Kichidi Recipe : Saggubiyam Payasam is offered by many. But did you know that they also offer spicy kichidi with stuffing? In the southern parts it is done less but.. in the north side it is definitely done as an offering. Many take this recipe especially during fasting. Everyone from young to old can eat it as it is good for health. Moreover, its taste is also amazing. Now let's know how to make this recipe… what are the required ingredients. >Gorgeous rice – 1 cup

Pallis – half a cup

Ghee – 2 tbsp

Cumin – 1 tsp

Dry chillies – 4

Curry – 1 rebba

Salt – enough to taste

Pepper – 1 tsp

Coriander – 1 bunch (small)


Green chillies – 2

Lemon juice – 1 tbsp


Wash the stuffing well before making this recipe. . Soak it in water for an hour and a half. Let it soak for an hour and a half. No more than that. Separate the soaked stuffing from the water. Put it in a cloth and let it dry for an hour. The water in the stuffing should be completely drained. It must be done. Otherwise there is a risk of the paste sticking. You have to dry the soaked stuffing thoroughly if you want it to be dry.

Pallis should be dry roasted. Wash and finely grate the coriander and curry leaves. After the stuffing is dry, take a bowl and mix the stuffing, palli, salt and pepper well in it. It acts as a coat for the stuffing. Now light the stove and put a kadai and add ghee in it. Once it is cooked add cumin seeds, black pepper and curry leaves. After roasting the chillies, add the previously prepared stuffing mixture. Turn the lid to mix well.

Reduce the stove flame.. let it simmer on low flame. Turn once in the middle with a spatula.. Close the lid again and let it simmer for a few more minutes. After that turn off the stove and add lemon juice to it and mix well. Keep mixing from bottom to top. Only then will the lemon juice mix well. Garnish it with coriander and curry leaves and pull it hot. It is very tasty when eaten with curd. In some places this recipe is offered as an offering to God. Moreover, this recipe is also very good for health. So from children to adults.. it can be pulled comfortably. Diabetics can also enjoy this tasty recipe. 

Also Read : Tasty and crunchy garelu with rava.. this recipe does not require meenapu

Note: This information is not a substitute for medical care or treatment. If you have any doubts regarding health, you should definitely consult a doctor. For the items mentioned in this article, “ABP Country'', ‘ABP Network’ Note that no liability is assumed.

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