Putnala Chikki Recipe : Tasty Putnala Chikki.. Make this healthy snack for kids

Putnala Chikki Recipe : Tasty Putnala Chikki.. Make this healthy snack for kids

Tasty Putnala Chikki Recipe : Putnala Chikki is an emotion for many. Because now they are nowhere to be found. So they cannot give it as a healthy snack to children. But wondering how to make this Putnala Chakki more healthy for kids? But a tasty recipe awaits here. How to make it? With what measurements, the chickee will be tasty and crunchy.. Now let's know what are the required ingredients. >

Putna dal – 1 cup

Baking soda – quarter teaspoon

Dates – quarter cup

Ghee – 1 tsp

Cardamom Powder – 1 teaspoon

Silver foil paper – 1

Preparation method

First put silver foil paper in a scare box and keep aside don't put Now light the stove.. put a thick kadai on it. Now add the grated jaggery in the kadai. Keep the stove on medium flame. A spoon of water can be added while jaggery is melting. But after the jaggery is completely dissolved, keep mixing it until it turns into a thick syrup. Add a spoonful of ghee to it and mix well. But take a cup of water to check if the syrup is ready. Now add some jaggery syrup in it. It should not be lumpy.. it should make a crunchy sound when you break it. If it comes like that, it means that the jaggery syrup is ready.

When you think the syrup will break like a papad if you put it in thick water, add a quarter teaspoon of baking soda and mix it well. Jaggery syrup foams well when baking soda is added. Keep this syrup on medium flame and mix well. After that put dates pieces in it. Mix them together.. Immediately add putna (roasted chickpeas) to it and mix well. Keep mixing the syrup till it mixes well with the putna. When the jaggery is mixed well with the putna.. this mixture should be spread on the silver foil paper prepared in the box. After this, the ends should be adjusted. After that it should be adjusted evenly with ghee. Strain the syrup while it is still hot. Keep them for two or three hours. Since we have made a cut first, if we break it, it will get stuck in good shapes. Chilled chickens can be pulled comfortably. These are very good for health. Apart from kids, adults also enjoy it comfortably. 

In the form of pellets or pods..

If you want to store Putna Chakki.. they should be stored in an airtight container. Then they are crunchy without becoming sticky. The taste of these is amazing so even children love to eat them. Avoid other unhealthy snacks. In these you can have fried pallis instead of putna. Otherwise, it can be rolled into small balls instead of this shape. Some sesame seeds can also be added to it. If you want to make rolls, apply ghee on your hand.. Roll it while the syrup is hot. 

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