Plum Pudding Recipe: Plum pudding that kids like.. Make it simple at home

Plum Pudding Recipe: Plum pudding that kids like.. Make it simple at home

Kids Favorite Plum Pudding Recipe : Cakes, Brownies, Puddings..whatever they are called..the taste cannot be forgotten. If you want to eat these foods that are loved by children and adults, you have to go to a bakery and get them. But these can be made at home very simply. You can prepare tasty plum pudding at home especially if you want to serve tasty breakfast to children.. or on any special day.

Here is a recipe to make this plum pudding more tasty.. healthy. We use soaked dry fruits and apples in this. They are also very good for health. So, healthy foods can be mixed with the food that children like. And how to make this plum pudding? Now let's know what are the required ingredients.

Ingredients required

Butter – 250 grams

Sugar sugar – 150 grams

Apple – 1 (cut into pieces)

Cake Crumbs – 100 grams

Flour – 60 grams

Baking Powder – 4 grams

< p>Eggs – 4

Cream – 60 grams

Soaked dry fruits – 600 grams

Sweet color – little

Method of preparation

Dry fruits should be soaked before starting the process of cooking plum pudding. Nuts like cashews, pistachios, figs, almonds and raisins should be soaked for two hours. First take a wide bowl to make plum pudding. Add butter and sugar to it and mix well. Now crack eggs in after another..and mix well. You can mix this mixture with a spoon or using a mixer. This mixture should be mixed well till it turns like cream. 

Add baking powder and maida flour to the prepared cream mixture and mix well. After mixing without lumps.. cut the soaked dry fruits into pieces.. add to this mixture and mix well. Now add cream and apple pieces and mix. Sweet color should also be added in it. Put this mixture in a pudding mold and wrap it with aluminum paper. By doing this the mixture will not come out. Now add water to the tray.. Cook it in the oven at 150 degree centigrade.. – 35. 

Keep it in the oven till the pudding is made. Poke a toothpick into the pudding to check if it is cooked. If the dough is sticky, it means that you need to cook it for more time. It can be eaten hot. Or you can keep it in the fridge and eat it after it gets cold. It tastes better when eaten with custard sauce. So make this simple recipe at home. 

Also Read : Be careful with those foods if you are a vegetarian

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