Mysore Bonda Recipe : Mysore Bonda, coconut chutney is a deadly combination.. Have you tried it?

Mysore Bonda Recipe : Mysore Bonda, coconut chutney is a deadly combination.. Have you tried it?

Mysore Bonda Coconut Chutney Recipes : If Mysore Bonda is not made properly then the true taste cannot be enjoyed. So care must be taken while preparing them. The taste of bondala depends on the way the batter is mixed. But which recipe is better to follow to make Mysore Bondas tasty.. Let's see what are the required ingredients. >Water – 1 glass

Flour – ½ glass

Cumin – 1 tsp

Salt – enough

Baking soda – 1 Spoon

Oil – enough for cooking


First take a mixing bowl. Even better if you take a clay pot. Now add one glass of curd.. another glass of water and mix well. Add cumin seeds, salt and three spoons of oil in it. Then add maida flour to it and mix well without lumps. Add another spoon of oil on top.. without mixing the flour cover it and keep it aside. If you soak the batter like that for two or three hours, the bondas will be very tasty. After soaking the flour, add baking soda to it and mix it well. 

Now light the stove and put in a kadai.. put enough oil for deep frying. When the oil is hot, reduce the flame of the stove and put the bhondas in it. If you take the dough in lumps, put the dough in oil from the middle of your thumb, forefinger, the bondas will come in a good shape. The oil should be absolutely hot before adding the batter. Otherwise the bonds will absorb the oil. Fry the bondas in dark brown color until it turns golden brown. Only then will the bondas cook inside as well. Take out the fried bondas and eat them with coconut chutney to get the taste. 15

Curry – 4 cloves

Cumin – 1 tsp

Oil – 3 tsp

Popular seeds – 1 tsp

Dried chillies – 2

Curry leaves – 1 rebba

Preparation method

First light the stove and put a pan in it with 2 spoons of oil. put When it gets hot, add green chillies and curry leaves and fry it. When they are slightly roasted, add cumin seeds. Now turn off the stove.. Crack the coconut and take out the coconut. Cut the coconut into small pieces and mix them. Now add the pre-roasted green chillies and curry powder mixture to it.. mix. Add some water to make it like chutney. Add talimpu popu to the mixed coconut paste and mix well. That's all the tasty coconut chutney is ready. The taste of bonda and coconut chutney when eaten together will take you to the next level. 

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