Jaundice: The cause of death of director Suriya Kiran is green jaundice – why is jaundice dangerous? What are the symptoms?

Jaundice: The cause of death of director Suriya Kiran is green jaundice – why is jaundice dangerous?  What are the symptoms?

Jaundice Symptoms and Treatment: We hear about jaundice from childhood. But many still don't know how dangerous they are and how deadly they can be. Many people have already died of jaundice in the entertainment industry. Last week famous Bollywood actress Amandeep Sohi died of this disease, recently South director Suriya Kiran also died due to jaundice, his family members announced. What are the actual symptoms of green jaundice and how should it be treated? If green jaundice progresses, is death inevitable?

Mostly in babies..

Doctors say that green jaundice attacks because the liver is not healthy. This causes the skin, nails, eyes and other parts of the body to turn green first. As the red blood cells die in the blood, the yellow pigment called bilirubin gets in their place. Due to which body parts start turning green. Usually newborn babies are more prone to jaundice. But babies don't have much of a problem with these. They will decrease on their own. But in some rare cases it doesn't happen. According to statistics, 2.4 percent of 1000 new-born children get jaundice while still in the mother's womb. 187.1 deaths are also occurring in it.

Alcohol habit that gets into entanglement..

Not only those who are facing many health problems from before.. This emerald is also for those who do not have any problem. Jaundice attack is possible. Doctors say that it is also caused by alcohol. It seems that not only those who are addicted to alcohol, but those who have stopped drinking are also likely to have green jaundice attack. The eyes of those infected with jaundice become very green. Apart from that, the urine also turns green and smells. In that case they should consult doctors immediately.

Treatment should be taken..

If any of the above symptoms appear in anyone, they should immediately consult a doctor and take appropriate treatment. In most of the cases, medication can reduce the jaundice. Doctors suggest using drugs used in autoimmune liver diseases for jaundice. The patient should also take other precautions while using the medication. Always stay hydrated, eat and drink juicy fruits. Apart from that, you should eat foods that do not put too much pressure on the liver. Alcohol should be controlled. Apart from that, doctors say that the earlier the green jaundice is detected, the better it is for the patient.

Also Read: Tragedy in Tollywood – 'Satyam' director Suriya Kiran passes away

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