International Womens Day 2024 : This is what real womens day is all about.. your happiness is important along with everyone's responsibility

International Womens Day 2024 : This is what real womens day is all about.. your happiness is important along with everyone's responsibility

Womens Day 2024 : Women should be ahead in all fields. This is what everyone says. But women should know that they are definitely lagging behind in terms of their health. Apart from that, self care should be prioritized. For all those who think we have so much time.. if you change your way of thinking you will surely find time for your self care. But now let's know what routine you should follow to take healthy and self care. 

Everyone is getting ready to celebrate International Women's Day on 8th March. It's a gentle reminder to respect a woman every day. A woman has a high mind who loves her loved ones selflessly and forgets her self-care. Such women should prioritize their health and self-care. Some people take a step back thinking that it's not our age.. It's better if we do it now, but.. following some tips is necessary for your physical and mental health. /h3>

Some people do not take proper care of their hair even though it is a job in hand. Many continue their lifestyle of braiding their hair. Instead of getting sad when your hair falls out, you should pay attention to it while it is still there. Now girls are maintaining their hair. There is no need to be surprised if there are still people who do not go to the hair salon. Applying oil to the hair, taking care while bathing.. using different oils to prevent hair fall.. especially eating foods that control hair loss. 

Skin Care

< p>There is nothing special to say about the skin care. Powder, fair and lovely is enough beauty. Being natural is beautiful but it is also important to maintain the existing beauty. At the time of traveling in the sun, a scarf should be worn to protect the hair and face from dust. Make face packs at least with ingredients found at home. Drink water regularly. Whether you follow a skin care routine or not, at least natural ingredients such as aloe vera, turmeric, peanut flour, milk, curd, and tomatoes can be used for skin care. These are not only for the face.. they can be used for the whole body. 

Healthy food..

They all eat leftovers at home.. or the leftovers from yesterday, the day before yesterday. There are still mothers in our country who eat without singing. No matter how much they decide they don't want children. Apart from that, make sure that you also eat healthy food. Only then will you be stronger. Food has a great impact on physical, mental and emotional well-being. Especially women suffer from anemia, vitamin deficiency and HIV problems. Such people should have a strictly balanced diet. These improve overall health. Besides, they make you mentally strong too. 


If you can't eat proper food…supplements should be used as per the instructions of the doctor. Vitamins and nutrients are absolutely necessary to be healthy. So take supplements to keep your body functioning well. Otherwise all the health problems will surround you at a young age. You will find these in Ayurveda as well. These will prevent you from aging quickly. Moreover, it also prevents the appearance of old age spots on the face. Calcium causes problems. Joint pains are more likely to bother you. Sexual problems can also cause problems. Hormonal problems need not be mentioned. So it is better if you take supplements regularly as per doctor's instructions.


We are working all day long..doing chores at home isn't it..that is fitness. Women who think Ness are fools. But a healthy lifestyle is impossible without a proper fitness routine. It doesn't matter if you don't go to the gym, but go to the nearest park and walk for a while. Light exercises can be done. Yoga makes you physically and mentally healthy. Apart from housework, you can do some walking, cycling and at least play outdoor games with your children for your health. It will do wonders for your health. Follow all these.. Wishing every woman to be healthy.. Happy Womens Day.

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