International Day of Forests : Mother of forest people.. we do not understand that if we cut you down, it is ours

International Day of Forests : Mother of forest people.. we do not understand that if we cut you down, it is ours

World Forest Day : As the hero said in a movie that a forest man's mother doesn't understand.. we are all forest people really. Getting many benefits from that forest mother… taking care of health… we are moving forward. That's why talking about the importance of forests.. every year on 21st March the World Forest Day (International  Day of Forest) is being held. They are coming up with a new theme every year, creating awareness about programs like planting trees and preventing deforestation. In 2012, UNESCO decided to hold World Forestry Day on March 21 every year to prevent deforestation. It is organized with the aim of providing forests for the future generations. 

Explaining the importance of forests..various programs are organized on 21st March every year. Awareness is created on the importance of all types of forests. Local, national and international awareness conferences on tree plantation and forestry related activities are organized. As a part of the preservation of forests, a new theme is chosen for the International Day of Forests. For the International Day of Forests 2024, they are going ahead with the theme of forests and innovation. But did you know? Forests affect our health. Abba how forests anywhere affect us.

Causes of climate change

Almost one third of the earth's surface is covered by forests. Forests are not just greenery. Habitat for various species and animals. Factories that provide livelihood to people. Moreover, healthy forests act as carbon sinks. They absorb billions of metric tons of carbon dioxide annually. Apart from these, they play a vital role in controlling climate change. By cutting them down, there will be drastic changes in the climate. These show bad effects on health. 

Severe impact on health..

Forests show serious changes on climate. Due to climate change there is a change in environmental conditions. These cause the emergence of forest species that produce allergens. Moreover, they are the main cause of many diseases. Drastic changes in temperatures cause the Earth to heat up like the Sun. Rising temperatures are already having severe effects on humans. If the heat rises, the snow melts and there is a greater risk of severe flooding. Severe cold and severe sun damage the health. Already these changes are causing a lot of trouble. If the rains are falling excessively in many places, it is raining heavily in other places. Every point like this is affecting human health. 

We are cutting in the name of innovation.. 

In the name of medicines, herbs, clothes, construction materials, medicines. , we are using forests for many daily necessities. But how many trees are we replanting instead of used trees? In the name of development, some are cutting down trees and building apartments and factories and cutting down the forest. Even if we see the changes in the environment, we must change now, say environmentalists. Environmental protection systems should be designed to monitor forests, detect fires and save them. 

It is in this context that many countries are coming forward in protecting forests. Many innovative thoughts are coming up to control carbon dioxide emissions. Fighting against deforestation. Deforestation by 2030, reduction of forest degradation and restoration of forests are progressing. There is a need for us to recognize the importance of forests and protect them for the future generations."" target="_blank" rel="noopener">'Recognize us as humans too'.. Down syndrome people's anguish

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