Intermittent Fasting: Is fasting good for health? Does it increase life expectancy? What did the study show?

Many people fast frequently out of devotion to God. It has many medical benefits. Apart from religious reasons, many studies have revealed that fasting has many benefits for the human body and brain. It improves body function. Changes the function of hormones, cells, genes. Many changes take place in the body when you do not eat for a while. The body changes hormone levels.

Insulin levels decrease

Intermittent fasting can significantly decrease insulin levels. Facilitates fat burning process. Increases blood levels of human growth hormone. Burns excess fat and promotes muscle growth. It does important work like removing waste materials from body cells. Longevity changes many genes and molecules involved in disease protection.

Lose weight

Some people also fast frequently to lose weight. Improves hormone function. Low insulin levels, high human growth hormone levels, and norepinephrine levels break down fat. It increases the metabolic rate. Helps burn calories. Intermittent fasting reduces muscle loss.

Reduces risk of type 2 diabetes

In recent times, more people are suffering from diabetes. Fasting reduces insulin resistance. This helps in reducing blood sugar levels. Protects against type 2 diabetes. A study was conducted on intermittent fasting. Fasting blood sugar decreased by 3-6 percent over an 8-12 week period in those with pre-diabetes. Fasting insulin is reduced by 20-31 percent.

Reduces oxidative stress

Oxidative stress is one of the causes of aging and chronic diseases. It causes damage by pre-radicals. Several studies have shown that intermittent fasting can reduce this oxidative stress.

Good for heart health

Heart disease has become the world’s biggest killer today. Many people die due to heart disease. But intermittent fasting is useful to get rid of those problems. Lowers blood sugar levels. Controls blood pressure. It plays a key role in reducing bad cholesterol.

Repairs cells

The process by which cells in the body remove cellular waste is called autophagy. It breaks down dysfunctional proteins. Helps with cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, neurodegenerative diseases and protects against many diseases. Reduces the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells. Fasting has many beneficial effects on the metabolism that can reduce the risk of cancer.

Good for the brain

The brain tells the body what is good and what is bad. It is good for brain health. Improves metabolic properties. Many studies show that it increases the growth of new nerves. Protects the brain from damage. It also increases levels of a brain hormone called brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). BDNF deficiency can cause depression and many other brain problems. Helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

Extends life span

A study on rats has shown that fasting can extend lifespan.

Note:< /strong> Information collected from various studies, researches and health journals is provided here as usual for your understanding. This information is not a substitute for medical care or treatment. If you have any doubts regarding health, you should definitely consult a doctor. For the items mentioned in this article, “ABP Country”, ‘ABP Network’ Note that no liability is assumed.

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